I have no idea where to post this, but here it goes..
This is a little information about me.
I have not been diagnosed yet, but I have many Aspergers/HFA traits. Maintaining eye contact for more than a few seconds is torture and makes me nervous. I lack social skills and find social situations awkward, not to mention difficult; I'd rather be on a computer researching something or reading a book. The way I carry myself and my posture are absolutely dreadful. I have obsessive interests in only one or two subjects(which makes it hard to do well in school, since I have no interest in learning anything else besides those two subjects..). It is next to impossible to get me to study something that does not completely captivate me from the beginning. I am extremely sensitive to any sort of touch, smell, or sound that is out of the ordinary. Moving, multi-colour backgrounds on computers, or flashing lights are something I can stare at for hours and become completely lost in. Though, in class, I sometimes can see the lights pulsing constantly and it is distracting.. Hearing blood rush though my ears is also something that never ceases. My mother told me stories about me having meltdowns in the past because I felt as if my socks were cutting off all feeling in my feet, and that I felt like they would fall off; I still only wear socks when I am forced. I also try not to wear any kind of rubber band or hair tie on my wrist because I can not stand to have it on for more than a few seconds; it begins to hurt very badly. At night, I usually sleep wrapped up completely in a blanket or sleeping bag from head to toe with no extremities sticking out..this is comforting. I do tend to rock back and forth and/or pace back and forth when sitting and thinking. Cracking joints is also something I do almost constantly. I fear I might have joint problems when I am older if this continues. I have tried many times to stop practicing these behaviors, but it is something that will not happen.
On the positive side, I guess, I have a great visual memory. I can remember exact details of a term paper or scene I have only looked at once or twice. Building systems or objects in my head also comes very naturally to me. I can usually see what I build in my head from every angle possible. My IQ (according to Mensa testing) is far above 130. Patterns are always noticeable to me, no matter how minute. I had no delay in talking or with language, although I do get extremely nervous when I do have to speak, unless I completely trust with whom I am speaking. My nervousness has gotten so horrible at some points that I break out into cold sweats and start shaking.
When I was younger (although, I am only 14 now..), I wasn't as anti-social and awkward as I am at this point in time, which leads my parents to believe there is nothing wrong with me..though, I still have many symptoms that prove otherwise.
If you took the time to read all of that, thank you. This was very difficult for me to say. I'd like to hear your opinion about what you think I may or may not have.
Until my plans for complete world domination come to fruition, I'll just settle for kicking your ass at Risk.