Xelebes wrote:
My younger sister has seizures. The most important feature of a seizure is a "flashing" sensation, like electric bolts in your head.
From your description, it sounds more like a night terror.
But these "flashing" sensations are quite common when one is about to drift off to sleep, aren't they?
I think I had something like a fit or seizure once, but I believe that was related to heat/dehydration. I was feeling weak and horrid and then I was in a different position, and the tv program had changed, and for a few years after I had a floating black speck in my vision (right eye only). The speck is gone now; first I started to only see it when I was exhausted from not sleeping, and now I do not see it even then....which is good as it was annoying.
But I often get flashing "bolt" sensations in my head when lying down, especially when drifting off to sleep ever since I was a child (sometimes accompanied by a follow-through bolt that I feel in my body), and I thought I heard that this is quite a common thing that occurs during normal health (ie no seizure or anything serious, just a mild "glitch" or "hiccup").
Surely seizures, although they could occur during or when drifting off to sleep would not be so selective (only occurring mostly when lying down); the flashing bolts I experience are just normal phenomena (like sleep paralysis and such)?