Dilbert wrote:
I'm bored at work. Sitting in an office, a lul between two projects, and not being able to read a book or play a video game, because wasting time while pretending to be busy or even just staring at your screen is completely acceptable, while wasting time while doing something fun is very much frowned upon.
I know what you mean. At school, the teachers often let the other kids slack off and chatter when they're supposed to be working, but the minute I open a book because I've finished my work, it's all, "GINA, get on with your work!" They never listen when I explain that I've finished, or point out the hypocrisy of letting the other kids do what they damn well please.
'El reloj, no avanza
y yo quiero ir a verte,
La clase, no acaba
y es como un semestre"