Dizzee wrote:
Or that you're simply afraid? Maybe it's just too challenging for us? You can ask any average person and most of them will tell you that life isn't easy, so maybe we excuse our weakness by saying that we're different and have a disability? I mean we can do many things, we're smart, we aren't "mentaly ret*d", but maybe we didn't reach the level of Neurotypicals. To put it simply, what if we're sidetracked?
You're saying a lot of stuff that makes sense, but remember not to generalise for all autistics on the spectrum... Some of us do have the strength and the courage.. But I must admit that I, myself, have felt weak and afraid before, and I sometimes still do. And when I was afraid and weak, I did indeed use my disorder as an excuse for not going through with some things.
I'm not sure what you are trying to say in your last two sentences. I don't know what 'reaching the level of neurotypicals' refers to. I don't believe that even those with a disorder would be a on a 'lower level' per se when compared to what people view as 'normal folk'.
I also don't know how you figure we're sidetracked. I've felt sidetracked before, in my personal situation, but I figured that isn't something that happens to each autistic indivdual. In my case, I got really overconfident and failed to finish my education because I underestimated the requirements, exams, etc. Added to that was the stress, induced by living with my alcoholic father. The combination of the two led to my being sidetracked, butg that's very situation-specific, and obviously doesn't apply to everyone. Similar things can happen to other autistics, sure, and some of it may be due to their autism, but no useful generalisations can be made.
clarity of thought before rashness of action