I was obsessed with horses when I was 8 or 9. I was under the impression it was sparked by me trying to play with this group of girls who were being horses, who told me to 'go to sleep' then while I obliged, they 'galloped' off, leaving me. This started a massive obsession with horses including many books, a magnet, photos and even 2 years of riding lessons/days helping out at the stables. I also kept getting told off for drawing horses, about 4 times I think, the punishments getting severer each time, even though once I had drawn it at lunch time but it was in front of me during class and my mother was told.
My twin friends had ponies and another girl I didn't like who didn't like me had a pony and I tried to be her friend so I could visit it. My neighbours have a stable and I was sooo jealous their grown up daughter had a horse in the field behind our house when she was young. I desperately wanted my own horse and couldn't think of anything I would rather do than go and groom my own horse. I never did get one and I'm quite glad, the novelty would probably have worn off
I wanted to show my 'friends' that I did know about horses but it lasted quite a while and I never really made friends with them again. Ha. Just me trying to fit in and failing, as usual.
Spare a talent for an old ex-leper?
Monty Python's Life of Brian