matrixluver wrote:
but Conduct Disorder implies conduct- meaning learned behavior. Autism arises from a neurological disorder. so, while one may have autism and develop a conduct disorder, they are not "similar" as "treatments" but a person being treated for autism may also be treated for a comorbid conduct disorder.
Conduct disorder is a specific behavior disorder within DSM, that includes repeated cruelty twoards other people or animals, using a weapon, lying, stealing, truancy, running away from home (for children, the diagnosis is mostly made in childhood since most adults with these symptoms can be diagnosed with antisocial personality disorder), etc. It isn't just a disorder of behavior, ie. being annoying to others or something. It is also presumed to be deliberate.
As for treatment, I hav eno clue what the treatme tfor CD is. I read up on behavior disorders a bit when I was being evaluated for my second AS dx, because I feared being diagnosed with oppositional defiant disorder (another disorde rint he same category but less severe). For ODD, treatment does involve a lot of external structure (that we are supposed ot need, too), but I'm afraid they just mean a parent/professional who always tells you what to do and uses a very authoritarian voice (many people confuse authoritarian with clear and tell me they are "giving me clarity" when really they are bitching at me), and there is a lot of mumbo-jumbo about "it's your choice how you act", blah blah. Guess this wouldn't do most autistics any good.