I prefer to think of NeuroTypicality as a confederation of disparate peoples like the athletes, the politicians, the churchmen, the writers, et al. who are united in having descended from a minority tribe in forgotten ages. This tribe—let's call them the Neuromads—were a warlike race, constantly fighting among themselves, ever dividing into new nations, constantly bickering over who worshipped the strongest gods. Scattered in Europe, the Near East, and North Africa were the Neanderthals, nos ancêtres d'Asperger. They lived and perseverated largely in peace, hunting game and awestruck by nature. Then the Neuromads came rushing in, slaughtering the Neanderthals were the stood.
Fortunately, some Neanderthals bred with the Neuromads to create modern Homo sapiens sapiens with a mixture of autistic and NT genes. However, the NT genes of the Neuromads being in the majority, the NTs never quite finished supressing our latent Neanderthal instincts.
I would go farther, actually, and suggest the NTs are evil. They continue their oppression, which is rooted in their genes. They subconsciously see our Neanderthal behavior and attempt to ostracize us for it. NTs, even among themselves, commit all the worst atrocities: the Holocaust, the ghetto, socio-economic injustice, the gulag, and dogma. Neuromad society is the oppression of all against all; it is neuro-madness.