Chief__ wrote:
a big difference between an iq of 82 ans 86?
I don't imagine that the difference between a person who scored an 82 score and one who scored an 86 would be all that great. But as I said before, it depends on other factors, not just a test score.
"Some assert than an individual's intelligence is a fixed quantity which cannot be increased. We must protest and react against this brutal pessimism."
- Alfred Binet, inventor of the original IQ test, 1909
I found a really good article that backs up how I feel about the subject of intelligence testing. Hope you enjoy it chief.:
What do IQ tests measure?
IQ tests measure current academic abilities -- not any sort of fixed, innate intelligence. More specifically, the best-known IQ battery, "Stanford-Binet 5," measures Fluid Reasoning, Knowledge, Quantitative Reasoning, Visual-Spatial Processing, and Working Memory. Collectively, these skills are known as "symbolic logic." Among other things,
IQ tests do not measure creativity;[i] they do not measure "practical intelligence" (otherwise known as "street smarts");[ii] and they do not measure what some psychologists call "emotional intelligence."
The Genius in All of US