I do that kind of stuff all the time! lol. I've gotten into a lot of trouble with it, or have gone about making elaborate contraptions out of household items.
Once we had a leak coming from the bathtub faucet-the problem was it was only hot water, and it would literally melt plastic things that sat underneath it. Well, I didn't think to turn off the hot water heater, until the guy came to fix it, or turn the temperature down even.
What I did was find some paper towel rolls and taped them together, so the water wouldn't be flowing constantly in the bathtub (keeping us awake) and the kids wouldn't be tempted to touch the water. I lead it to the toilet, duct taped one end around the faucet and the other under the toilet seat. Then I wrapped it all up in foil, a couple of times, then put saran wrap around it as well (all to try to prevent leaking since I KNEW that the paper towel rolls would eventually leak since they were cardboard). It sat like that for a few days, lol, and when the guy came to fix it... he looked at all of that and said "it's clever and all, but why didn't you just turn the temperature down?"
Sorry about the incredibly long post...
"I enjoyed the meetings, too. It was like having friends." -Luna Lovegood