I can relate, sort of. Many of my posts are too long. My ideas need a lot of work before they are presentable, or before I'm satisfied with them. I quite often get all fired up to weigh in with my opinion, only to be disatisfied with the wording and delete it altogether in the end.
There are so many viewpoints expressed on these boards, but there are still taboo and unpopular opinions, which would get the dreaded "troll" accusation. So those need to be censored out. The potentially inflamatory post, which tends to be long, will end up being only a sentence or two, due to successfully omitting anything that could be interpreted as flame fodder. I'm proud of the originally 12 paragraphs that somehow get trimmed down to a manageable 4... Especially if the essence of the idea has been preserved.
However, when I am able to make a simple one or two sentence post initially, it will usually remain as is.
(It would take more courage than I presently have, to initiate a thread of my own. Maybe next year.)