"You're too old to do that!" Aspies and holidays

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18 Sep 2009, 10:37 pm

This is probably an aspie thing but I simply don’t believe in being too old for Halloween. I showed a co-worker the plans for my Halloween costume (they can get complex some years) with great enthusiasm and happiness. Her response: “You still go out for Halloween? I stopped doing that when I was ten.” I took offense since I’m mid twenties, and she is usually a b***h to begin with. It’s not like I still ask for candy or anything. I’ve been buying my own and handing it out during the crappier years (in terms of weather, last year it rained) for almost ten years now. I just don’t see what’s so bad about having fun during the holidays! Really, live a little! What I’m really proud of is some of the costumes I’ve created. My best to date is the tree people from Narnia. That costume was really bulky so I stayed in that year. I later attended a costume contest around midnight and won first place! This year I’m going to be a simple version of one of the types of Persian soldiers from the movie 300. They look freakin’ awesome! The ones that threw firework bombs, they didn’t get much air time on the film... You’d have to see the movie to get it. Ah, I rambled...

Any other Halloween lovers out there? Or am I just a lone freak?


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18 Sep 2009, 11:02 pm

You are never too old for Halloween! I am 24 and am putting together an elaborate Harry Potter Hogwarts student costume for this coming Halloween. I have two friends who are doing the same thing. We are very exited about it. Life is too short to worry about being too old! =)


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18 Sep 2009, 11:04 pm

You're not a freak based on what I've seen. In the past few years I've seen plenty of adults in Halloween costumes on 31 October at places like grocery stores, local libraries, and book stores. I've also known adults whose companies threw Halloween parties with costumes strongly encouraged, and have watched some people enthusiastically customize their costumes. I even know one person (44 yrs. old) who has held a Halloween party at his place many times in the past 10 years.

Enjoy your costuming and Halloween. And don't forget that 31 October is the date Nevada became a state.

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18 Sep 2009, 11:05 pm

so what, you stay at home and hand out candy while dressed up?

nothing wrong with that, or going to work dressed up, or going to a costume party or any of that. your coworker sounds boring lol
(that being said i dont dress up for halloween due to being far too anti social and my job not really allowing for it anyway, it looks like fun though, haha.)

there definitely is an age limit on trick or treating though, unless you're chaperoning :D


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18 Sep 2009, 11:15 pm

"Any other Halloween lovers out there?"

Absolutely! :)

I was almost furious with my parents when they first refused to let me go trick or treating with my cousins last year, and instead made me stay home and hand out candy to the six kids that showed up :evil:

I don't see what's wrong with it. I'm pretty sure there's no law saying you have to be under a certain age :? And I'm really sure the people handing out the candy won't mind. What would they do anyways? Refuse to give me 25 cents worth candy, and place me under a citizens arrest while they call the cops? Anyways, I guess I could try to see if I can go out this year... I still have a full-body gurrilla suit up in the attic I could wear :wink: Except, the rubber feet on them are way to small for me. I literally spent half an hour trying to jam my shoes into them last year when I stayed home (I have size thirteens). I guess if that doesn't work I could go as a zombie or something...

18 Sep 2009, 11:21 pm

I like dressing up for Halloween and handing out candy but I never got to do that as an adult. Last year I did trick o vote where we go in groups and knock on peoples doors and remind them to turn in their voting vallets and we got candy too from people. I went as a teletubby. Yes there were adults of all ages doing this.


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18 Sep 2009, 11:40 pm

I'm not a holiday person in general, and Halloween is one of those holidays I just don't do anything for. No costumes, no parties, no decorations, and definitely no giving out of candy at the door (I usually spend the evening away from my apartment to avoid the potentially constant door-knocking).

However, I do have to admit that last night while grocery shopping, they had a display of Halloween Pez dispensers at the store and I ended up buying one of each on impulse. :oops:


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19 Sep 2009, 1:16 am

I love Halloween/Samhain and always do something, if just a spiderweb shawl or a pumpkin Jack o Lantern. For a while, when I was in the SCA there were plenty of other people that did it too. I have won many a costume contest with just what I had on hand in my closet!

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19 Sep 2009, 2:17 am

yes i usually do dress up 2 years ago got horse costume from ebay :P

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19 Sep 2009, 8:20 am

The bestest of all holidays!!

I just found the craziest nuttiest homemade tiger costume EVER...it is a giant Tiger face...your head sticks out of the top of the tiger's head...between it's ears...and the rest of the body sticks out the tiger's mouth. ..so it is more like an "eaten by a tiger" costume.... :P
For accessories, it came with fuzzy toe socks and ear muffs.....Nutso!! !

I can't wait to wear it! Every Halloween, I tend to have more than one costume....


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19 Sep 2009, 9:04 am

I've seen a lot of adults do it. I never ask for candy and still dress up as well-we just walk around the neighborhood and the kids go up to the doors.

I thought it was hilarious after my cousin had her baby. He was 1 or 2 and I remember he kept missing his pillow case to put the candy in it, or would hold the bag funny and the candy would start falling out. My cousin kept yelling at him, "You're losing all of the good candies!! !! !! !! !! ! Those are the ones I want! Pick 'em up fast!" She didn't dress up, but it was clear that he was not just trick or treating for himself, lol.

I've always liked dressing up, too... when I was about 20, my friend's parents wanted me to dress up as the Easter Bunny and hide eggs in the yard for their kids. I was soooo excited. But I got sick and wasn't able to do it :(

Sorry about the incredibly long post...

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19 Sep 2009, 9:31 am

My wife and I still dress up, as well as our 2 daughters (20 and 21). My wife makes most of the costumes, but our older daughter has gotten into making them as well


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19 Sep 2009, 11:55 am

Plenty of adults still dress up for Halloween, though I guess they go to more 'adult' events like parties at clubs and such, unless they have kids of their own or are handing out candy. I'm not into it personally. I never have any good ideas as to what to dress up as and I don't really go out much to even have to be in a situation where I do have to dress up for Halloween. I also live in an apartment in a city so there are no trick-or-treaters here. But I actually kind of hate costume parties in general, Halloween or not. I don't know I always feel so ridiculous in some sort of costume. I loved it when I was grade school age, but after I turned like 12 I had absolutely no interest. If I had a house I would decorate somewhat with pumpkins and such because the natural decorations are so great for this time of year (well especially if you are somewhere where the fall season occurs). And I love seasonal stuff like hayrides.

But going trick-or-treating past your early teens is probably seen as kind of weird unless you are escorting kids. So maybe that is what the person thought you meant by 'going out for Halloween' because otherwise it is NOT uncommon at all for adults to dress up and do things on Halloween. I think adults especially love it since it is the one day of the year they can get away with being someone/something completely different 100% and I know quite a few who go all out and work on their costumes in detail so it really isn't strange at all.


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19 Sep 2009, 1:05 pm

I'm still going trick-or-treating and I'll be 21 at the end of the year! Everyone thinks I'm around twelve anyway (I'm tiny) so I can still get away with it. I decided that I'm going to keep going trick-or-treating until I get my own house. What's wrong with getting lots of exercise and free candy as a reward? And dressing up is definitely fun!

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19 Sep 2009, 1:15 pm

Sigh, I really like Halloween. Granted, I don't go out and trick or treat anymore and haven't for decades, but even dressing up is met by amused looks (you know the ones, the looks that say "oh, there she goes again, wonder when she will grow up?"), so I just don't even suggest it any more at work. Even when I went to a halloween party a few years ago, all dolled up like Cleopatra, most of the adults there hadn't bothered to put on a costume, and half the kids weren't dressed up. Trick or treating is actually fading out around here too - think parties may be more in vogue, or trick or treating at the mall. I haven't handed out a piece of candy for 8 years on Halloween.

Know what I hate, absolutely and undeniably? April 1st. The same individuals who think they are too mature and dignified for Halloween don't have a problem pulling pranks on me on April fools day. I really wonder how it became more acceptable to torture someone than to indulge the inner child's desire for whimsy?

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19 Sep 2009, 2:47 pm

You're never too old. While I was riding my bike to my favorite pizza parlor on Halloween night to see the hot waitresses who wear schoolgirl outfits on Halloween, there were teenagers all over the place actually trick-or-treating, asking for candy! !

And as long as I can remember, my stepdad's family has been holding annual Halloween get-togethers for pumpking carving, and just as many adults would do it as kids. Pumpking carving is fun!!

Example #3. Many adults have Halloween parties, complete with costumes and booze. The grocery store I work at does this sometimes, though not just for adults and without booze.

Btw, am I the only one here who loves the smell of the inside of a fresh pumpkin? No one else I know does, they all hate it.

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