Aimless wrote:
What does dh mean?
Same question here, and what about ds, Dx (diagnosed?), PDD-NOS and spectrum?
I am very new to all of this.
rainrowan wrote:
One of the things I have a lot of trouble with is communication ...
Does this sound familiar to anybody?
I do the kinds of things you have described. Sometimes I intentionally keep other people from "getting a word in edge-wise", so to speak, and I do that because I do not want to be distracted and lose wherever I am headed. Then along with that, I sometimes want the other person to stop thinking their own thoughts so my more-important ones (as I see them) can come through. Some of that certainly stems from pride and arrogance, and I try to be aware of that and keep it down. But at the same time, simple logic says we could get somewhere more quickly if people would just listen.
Being more verbal or communicative in public is a learned behaviour for me so people will not think I am strange where silence and occasional staring (while pondering) at home does not bother me since everybody here already knows I am going to act like that and there is really nothing they can do about it. Overall, I would like to not be that way, and just a little while ago I made a very conscious effort to suggest something to my wife concerning something in her best interest, then allow her to participate in the conversation while I honestly tried to let her concerns and thoughts dominate. So then, at least for me, the ability to communicate is there, but it only comes out when I consciously place others ahead of myself and do what does not come naturally.