any1 also got problems with dyslexia? whats your problems
whats your problems with dyslexia?
these are mine dyslexia symtoms
I miss words out alot in sentences
I miss the endings of letters
i write very slow
hand hurts when i rite
write words wrong order
i misread words alot espically if the words have simular letters in them
lose my place alot when reading
i have to read things over and over again just to understand what i have read
i read a sentence then buy them i have finshed and i reading another sentence i forget what have read.
mis read questions because i see words that i think are their but are not then i end up answering questions wrong
write words wrong order
I still can’t tell which way is left and which way is right.
When I was really little I used to copy things off the board backwards. Like where you’d need a mirror to read them backwards. Now I’ve trained my brain, but copying things off of boards and overheads and stuff is still really difficult.
I have similar problems with reading and writing. I miss words a lot and confuse them and such, like you said. I have a lot more trouble with mathematical symbols though. I frequently flip numbers around. I’ve never done very well with math because of that. I also mix up phone numbers and locker combos.
I also have trouble with pronunciation. I can’t sound out words. When I’m speaking I’ll flip vowels and consonants so that what I’m saying doesn’t make sense. Sometimes I’ll say words out of order. The whole thing makes communication even more difficult because I’m afraid that if I do speak it will come out wrong.
I’m pretty sure that hand hurting when you write is merely because you hold the pencil wrong (I do the same, and my hand hurts when I write, but I know I hold the pencil wrong) and has nothing to do with dyslexia. Just saying.
I’m pretty sure that hand hurting when you write is merely because you hold the pencil wrong (I do the same, and my hand hurts when I write, but I know I hold the pencil wrong) and has nothing to do with dyslexia. Just saying.
Actually, it's called dysgraphia, and many people that are dyslexic have it. It's from holding your pencil wrong, and from pressing too hard. Dysgraphia never travels alone. If you have it, you will have some other neurological difference, too. At least that's what I've found through extensive research about dyslexia. My husband, and daughter have both.
Hi and welcome to the forum!
I like all you with dyslexia because you rarely write much and then your posts is very easy to read and understand
these are mine dyslexia symtoms
writing (is easier than reading)
I write very fast on the computer but I have to read over and over again what I have written so I didnt write anything wrong.
I edit almost all my posts on the forum to correct misspelling and or wrong written words. Its very common that I repeat myself and this need to be edited off
same with me. I cant deal with a lot of text with no space in between and where all words is written in long lines and in big blocks. I loose track by just seeing such text...
So therefore I write with a lot of space and in small sections, thinking its easy to read....
Me too, this is so incredible timeconsuming. Therefore I hate to read. Because it takes so much energy from me. I gets very sleepy out of reading...
Yes, me too, making reading even more worthless. Thank God for YouTube....
Some ways I try to eliminate these problems:
On paper:
I use a bookmark or peace of folded paper to keep my eye on the line I am reading.
I have used coloured filter on paper to some helpful effect but not shattering.
On a computer:
Read Please is brilliant but the built in text to speech on Mac OSX is better.
Using Prefbar on Mozilla to reset colours and fonts to ones that can easily be read.
Not running the monitor I use for reading at max resolution (I find 1024 x768 quite adequate)
On Paper:
My dad once described my handwriting as it looks as if a spider had crawled out of the inkwell and walked across the page.
It is important not to hold the pen or pencil to tightly this is what causes aching and hand cramps, pausing an flapping ones hand is a good way to loosen ones grip.
I almost always print in block capitals nowadays it doesn't look very elegant but it can (sometimes) be read.
Where time is no object and a good presentation is necessary I did learn calligraphy.
On a computer:
I have tried many forms of speech to text with varying results most of them not very impressive.
That said I find keyboards easyer to operate than a pen.
Spell checkers are useful but some can become really annoying and will change a word to another that you did not mean that fits the sentence (speech to text has the same fault) and because your dyslexic you don't notice (I once lost marks heavily on course work from this) hence if it is important and I have time I will have PleaseRead read it back to me.
And of course the best thing if there is lots of reading and writing to be done - "Get someone else to do it".
Wisdom must be gathered, it cannot be given.
I’m pretty sure that hand hurting when you write is merely because you hold the pencil wrong (I do the same, and my hand hurts when I write, but I know I hold the pencil wrong) and has nothing to do with dyslexia. Just saying.
Actually, it's called dysgraphia, and many people that are dyslexic have it. It's from holding your pencil wrong, and from pressing too hard. Dysgraphia never travels alone. If you have it, you will have some other neurological difference, too. At least that's what I've found through extensive research about dyslexia. My husband, and daughter have both.
I have both Dysgraphia and Dyscalculia. There are 3 types of Dysgraphia including
Dyslexic Dysgraphia, Motor Dysgraphia and Spatial Dysgrahia. You have can all 3 types or or just one. People with Dysgraphia also have other problems, like Dyscalculia, dyslexia, Auditory processing disorder and other neurological disorders. I myself have Motor and Spatial Dysgraphia. I was also in speech therapy form 4 1/2 years old untill 7th grade.
I’m pretty sure that hand hurting when you write is merely because you hold the pencil wrong (I do the same, and my hand hurts when I write, but I know I hold the pencil wrong) and has nothing to do with dyslexia. Just saying.
Actually, it's called dysgraphia, and many people that are dyslexic have it. It's from holding your pencil wrong, and from pressing too hard. Dysgraphia never travels alone. If you have it, you will have some other neurological difference, too. At least that's what I've found through extensive research about dyslexia. My husband, and daughter have both.
I have both Dysgraphia and Dyscalculia. There are 3 types of Dysgraphia including
Dyslexic Dysgraphia, Motor Dysgraphia and Spatial Dysgrahia. You have can all 3 types or or just one. People with Dysgraphia also have other problems, like Dyscalculia, dyslexia, Auditory processing disorder and other neurological disorders. I myself have Motor and Spatial Dysgraphia. I was also in speech therapy form 4 1/2 years old untill 7th grade.
Thank you for sharing this. I'll have to research it further. This might help explain why my daughter seems so AS-like, but I know that she's not on the spectrum, though she struggles with so much.
I loose my spot on the page all the time, sometimes see numbers/letters backwards. I also, don't understand what I am reading unless I read it very slowly, with no distractions. I also guess at words, I don't know if that has anything to do with Dyslexia?
I am owned by 11 tropical parrots.
Have Dyslexia, Dyscalculia, AS and Autitory Processing Disorder.

Joined: 8 Mar 2007
Age: 49
Gender: Female
Posts: 6,714
Location: Snapdragon Ridge
I have mild dyslexia...I have gotten better at telling my left from my right, but I have had the same ring on my finger to distinguish left from right since I was a child..and I am 34 my finger has grown around the ring..I lose my place in my reading a lot..I have to think twice when I am looking at text to tell if it was written forwards or backwards...
My dyscalculea is much worse. Math has always been a nightmare for me.
Read Please is brilliant but the built in text to speech on Mac OSX is better.
totally off topic, but thanks, I did not know that about my beloved Mac

Anyway, my dyslexic traits (and I say traits because I have never been tested for it) are -
1. right/left confusion - I will actually point to the right when I say "left". I will actually write left when I hear right as well, but that may be over compensation on my part, I am not sure. I found when I was in dance class this year, the mirror really messed me up because I was trying to do what others were doing in the reflection and in real life. I finally managed to filter out the mirror and concentrated on the people. That helped.
2. I can reverse letters and numbers out of their order without realizing it. I remember one chemistry exam question where I did the procedure and math flawlessly. Too bad I started with the numbers written backwards. I argued with the teacher too, until the numbers were pointed out to me one by one as to what I had done. I still think I should have gotten marks for technique, because that had been done right, but I guess in a world of right and wrong, there is no room for leniency.
3. My writing isn't as bad as some, but that is my opinion. One of my parents was convinced I was writing in an arabic script. In university people usually borrowed my notes once, and then never again - even when I offered. They would rather miss a day's notes than decipher mine.
4. I have a neat little trick I can do - I can write simultaneously with both hands, mirroring the work of my right with my left hand. I can write independently in mirror image, and without too much hassle if I am writing with my left hand alone. I didn't try to learn how to do this, the talent was just there. I tried it after reading a "Ripley's believe it or not" cartoon in which they featured someone who could do this. Surprisingly - or maybe not - my left mirrored writing isn't that much worse than my right hand standard.
5. ADDENDUM I have a lot of trouble keeping my house clean. Things just pile up because I simply don't put things away. I probably should go address this today, sigh.
People think there are four elements to the world; fire, wind, water and earth. They are wrong. There is a 5th element - surprise. - paraphrasing of Terry Pratchett "The Truth"