TheDoctor82 wrote:
You are far more understanding than I, then.
If I'd have to break it down to that point--and for a grown adult--they've already lost a lot of respect in my book.
Hmm, I do understand that sentiment, I used to feel that way. These days I find it's not as simple as me being intelligent and everyone else being thick. Each individual is different and has a number of factors influencing their interests and knowledge. For example, I had almost no knowledge of geography, sport and politics growing up, in comparison to my knowledge of subjects that interest me like literature and psychology. I grew up in a single parent home, just me and mum, and she didn't drive or take me on many holidays, she had no interest in sport and didn't buy the paper or watch the news. So I wasn't exposed to those subjects and by the time I was in my late teens it was a noticable deficit. I used to worry people would think I was stupid, even though I was an A student and known for being "brainy", because I would have trouble naming the towns in my county or explaining socialism. I've made it my business to learn about geography and politics, to a reasonable level that gets me by, but I still couldn't care less about sport! I did extremely well in school but struggled at university because the learning style was so open and I found it difficult to understand what was expected of me. I took 6 years to get my degree, instead of 3, but did rather well in the end. In contrast to that, my two female friends - who don't read any of the books I do and rarely think about the "big questions" - completed their degrees within the normal amount of time but didn't do quite as well as me.
Everyone is different. Not having the prerequisite knowledge on a subject to grasp what someone is telling you shouldn't make you someone people can't respect. Has the shoe never been on the other foot?
I have to ask, also: are these subjects anyone could understand? Give me an example of a concept you try to explain. Are we talking string theory or recording on Tivo/Sky Plus?