Aimless wrote
How do you test your level of ability in abstract thinking? It reminds me of my very ADHD nephew who understood higher concepts in math before he understood the mechanics of getting there.
Since I used the term, I will take a stab at answering your question even though I am not very knowledgeable on such topics. Off the top my head, I would say that if you can envisage complex and shapes and patterns and easily manipulate them in your mind you are capable of abstract thought, and perhaps quite proficient at it. I have been led to believe that many people find this difficult.
Bear in mind that I also speculated that AS folks who might not be math oriented but who think in pictures (like Temple Grandin) might also find expressing their thoughts in words challenging.
Your nephew was almost certainly using abstract thought and, in my view, although he might not have known how to explain in words the mechanics used to get there, in his mind he understood. An good example of the difficulty you raised in your original post.