McCann_Can_Triple wrote:
Is it just me that doesn't like talking about people? What I mean by talking “about” is discussing another person with others when they are not in the room. I suppose the term would be gossiping, although I really don't like that word and I tend to think gossiping more so as lies being spread and such.
I don't express my feelings about others when they aren't around for the most part or talk about what they have or have not done.
I mean, I may say something along the lines of “I wish he'd call more” or “She went to the store” but I don't go on about them or even go into that much detail. I don't discuss them with others really.
If someone is really bothering me, I may talk to someone about them, but usually only if someone asks and it is to help me vent.
The thing is, everyone else seems to get their kicks off of it Or maybe kicks is a bad word, I just see it happen so much. People seem to enjoy talking about others and they seem to do it often. Rather it be family discussing family, of friends discussing friends, it doesn't seem to matter if the person is your mother, daughter, postman, friend or whatever.
Is it just the people I hang around with maybe?
No it's not just you, I for one hate participating in this too. Maybe it's because I don't like it if I hear that other people have been saying things about me. The only exception to this is that I will talk about certain people with my best friend but it's never in an unflattering way.