Hmm, possible ADHD?
So I was bored as hell today and did some article hopping on Wikipedia. I got lead to the part about ADHD. I read the inattentive symptoms, and holy s**t they all match me.
* Be easily distracted, miss details, forget things, and frequently switch from one activity to another
Yep. I can't sit on the computer for too long. After a while, I gotta get off my seat and take a walk or something.
* Have difficulty focusing on one thing
Even when I'm focused on my obsessions, I don't think in a straight way. My train of thought is all over the place.
* Become bored with a task after only a few minutes, unless they are doing something enjoyable
That's why I could never stand homework. I do it for a few mins, and then I just go do something else. Even when I get my 8 hours of sleep, I yawn and stretch like mad during class while everyone else is just simply hunched over.
* Have difficulty focusing attention on organizing and completing a task or learning something new
Yep, I'm disorganized as hell. One symptom of AS that never matched me is routines and organization.
* Have trouble completing or turning in homework assignments, often losing things (e.g., pencils, toys, assignments) needed to complete tasks or activities
I always lose s**t in my pencil case. And I lose at least 2 textbooks every year lol.
* Not seem to listen when spoken to
I've learned to manage this better, but I remember I always got accused of not paying attention as a kid.
* Daydream, become easily confused, and move slowly
Well I don't really move slowly, but I do daydream and get easily confused. Daydreaming does overlap with AS though.
* Have difficulty processing information as quickly and accurately as others
I always thought this had something to do with AS lol. I've always noticed I was kind of slow to pick up on things, and yeah processing is the right word.
* Struggle to follow instructions.
Instructions have always confused the s**t outta me. And in ways not related to AS. No literal interpretations, overanalyzing and all that.
Some people may look down on self-diagnosing, but it's not like I'm looking for excuses or attention. I just simply saw the symptoms list, and saw a dead on connection with the way I was, and the way I am.
Sounds like ADHD to me, I've known I had ADHD longer than I knew about AS, at those symptoms, with a couple variations of course, have always fit me perfectly.
Confucius say - Man who stand on toilet high on pot.
Yeah, it's kinda interesting how AS and ADHD clash. I guess no one noticed the things I do that matched the ADHD symptoms cuz I'm not the hyper type. You ever tab a million things while surfing the net and just jump through em? btw I love your signature lol. Do you indulge in certan botanicals? Just asking cuz you have that and 420 on your name lol.
Yeah I know, but the thing with me is, I AM the hyper type. lol I'm always moving, a leg always jiggling, or I'm always talking. So long as I'm using energy I'm good., and yea I think I have about 12 tabs open right now, and I keep switching back and forth lol.
And thanks, I like it too. Yeah I do partake in the herb, though. It's an awesome state of mind. You take any tokes yourself?

Confucius say - Man who stand on toilet high on pot.
"Adult" ADD's long been suspected in my case; the hyperactivity aspect's never really fit me. I *do* fidget constantly, though - wiggling one leg or the other, cracking my knuckles, wringing my hands, playing with my hair incessantly, and the like - when I'm forced to sit for long periods of time and/or concentrate on something I find insufferably boring or tedious. My hypothesis is that it's a combo ADD/OCD problem (yeah, I've also gotten that label, over the years); my brain's never "off," and thus needs something to do when it's forced to focus on unimportant stuff in which it has zero interest. On the flipside, my mom used to tell me that as a child, I'd often be so engrossed in a favorite book or project that I wouldn't hear her calling me for supper, etc.
Remembering that you are going to die is the best way I know to avoid the trap of thinking you have something to lose. You are already naked. There is no reason not to follow your heart.
~Steve Jobs
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