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03 Oct 2009, 10:30 pm

So I was bored as hell today and did some article hopping on Wikipedia. I got lead to the part about ADHD. I read the inattentive symptoms, and holy s**t they all match me.

* Be easily distracted, miss details, forget things, and frequently switch from one activity to another
Yep. I can't sit on the computer for too long. After a while, I gotta get off my seat and take a walk or something.

* Have difficulty focusing on one thing
Even when I'm focused on my obsessions, I don't think in a straight way. My train of thought is all over the place.

* Become bored with a task after only a few minutes, unless they are doing something enjoyable
That's why I could never stand homework. I do it for a few mins, and then I just go do something else. Even when I get my 8 hours of sleep, I yawn and stretch like mad during class while everyone else is just simply hunched over.

* Have difficulty focusing attention on organizing and completing a task or learning something new
Yep, I'm disorganized as hell. One symptom of AS that never matched me is routines and organization.

* Have trouble completing or turning in homework assignments, often losing things (e.g., pencils, toys, assignments) needed to complete tasks or activities
I always lose s**t in my pencil case. And I lose at least 2 textbooks every year lol.

* Not seem to listen when spoken to
I've learned to manage this better, but I remember I always got accused of not paying attention as a kid.

* Daydream, become easily confused, and move slowly
Well I don't really move slowly, but I do daydream and get easily confused. Daydreaming does overlap with AS though.

* Have difficulty processing information as quickly and accurately as others
I always thought this had something to do with AS lol. I've always noticed I was kind of slow to pick up on things, and yeah processing is the right word.

* Struggle to follow instructions.
Instructions have always confused the s**t outta me. And in ways not related to AS. No literal interpretations, overanalyzing and all that.

Some people may look down on self-diagnosing, but it's not like I'm looking for excuses or attention. I just simply saw the symptoms list, and saw a dead on connection with the way I was, and the way I am.


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03 Oct 2009, 10:41 pm

Sounds like ADHD to me, I've known I had ADHD longer than I knew about AS, at those symptoms, with a couple variations of course, have always fit me perfectly.

Confucius say - Man who stand on toilet high on pot.


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03 Oct 2009, 10:51 pm

Yeah, it's kinda interesting how AS and ADHD clash. I guess no one noticed the things I do that matched the ADHD symptoms cuz I'm not the hyper type. You ever tab a million things while surfing the net and just jump through em? btw I love your signature lol. Do you indulge in certan botanicals? Just asking cuz you have that and 420 on your name lol.


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03 Oct 2009, 11:18 pm

AceOfSpades wrote:
Yeah, it's kinda interesting how AS and ADHD clash. I guess no one noticed the things I do that matched the ADHD symptoms cuz I'm not the hyper type. You ever tab a million things while surfing the net and just jump through em? btw I love your signature lol. Do you indulge in certan botanicals? Just asking cuz you have that and 420 on your name lol.

Yeah I know, but the thing with me is, I AM the hyper type. lol I'm always moving, a leg always jiggling, or I'm always talking. So long as I'm using energy I'm good., and yea I think I have about 12 tabs open right now, and I keep switching back and forth lol.
And thanks, I like it too. Yeah I do partake in the herb, though. It's an awesome state of mind. You take any tokes yourself? ;)

Confucius say - Man who stand on toilet high on pot.


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05 Oct 2009, 6:56 am

i prolly have that to an extent, but the slowness isnt as much their any more as i train


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05 Oct 2009, 8:34 am

"Adult" ADD's long been suspected in my case; the hyperactivity aspect's never really fit me. I *do* fidget constantly, though - wiggling one leg or the other, cracking my knuckles, wringing my hands, playing with my hair incessantly, and the like - when I'm forced to sit for long periods of time and/or concentrate on something I find insufferably boring or tedious. My hypothesis is that it's a combo ADD/OCD problem (yeah, I've also gotten that label, over the years); my brain's never "off," and thus needs something to do when it's forced to focus on unimportant stuff in which it has zero interest. ;) On the flipside, my mom used to tell me that as a child, I'd often be so engrossed in a favorite book or project that I wouldn't hear her calling me for supper, etc.

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