acclue wrote:
I never sleep more than six hours at a time if it can be helped. If I need to get up for something, I always wait until exactly six hours and thirty minutes before I would have to get up before I go to sleep. Any more and it feels like I've just wasted time, but I don't feel that bad if I get a little less sleep. I also never sleep during the day unless I'm in such a relaxing place that I can't help it, and then I feel like the whole day's wasted, even though it is kind of a good catch up for my usual sleep deprivation.
I also DESPISE when I have to go to sleep on a schedule made by someone else. If I'm told to go to sleep at 'normal' hours (which I have observed as being around 7-8 hours of sleep plus getting up early by 1-2 hours for preparing for the day, where I only need 10-15 minutes), then I'll usually end up staying awake in bed until what I think is a reasonable time, and end up getting woken up long before I have the rest I need.
What are your sleep 'rules'?
Oh gawd I can be the same way. I HATE waking up early in the morning, unless I have a reason to do so. Therefore I usually go to bed fairly late, to avoid this.
For some reason if I wake up before 7 or 8 am, I will be RAVENOUSLY hungry, even getting a trickling sensation of water or something in the back of my head that makes the sensation of hunger even more intense.