I don't think my mother ever said that in words. she said it by throwing me out of the house. I was around 14 the first time it happened, and she threw me out by my hair in my nightgown after insisting that because I had a job I should pay rent, and I tried to resist her bullying by arguing my case, and it degenerated into a fistfight. I guess that's basically saying I was impossible to live with. eventually I lived with whoever would take me in.
I haven't spoken to my mother in 13 years and she still doesn't understand why
I had some problems with room-mates later on. I was so sensitive to noise but didn't realize it was my problem, so it caused friction when I felt they weren't being considerate. now I think it's important to only live with people who can tolerate/accommodate me, as well as me being able to tolerate/accommodate them.
maybe you and your mom should have a talk about tolerance and accommodation. it could be you could both do things to make the situation smoother.
She wanted you to pay rent at 14 years of age? What the hell? You were still a minor at that point! You can sue her for that. If you lived in Canada, you could have gotten Child Protective Services all over her ass.