Irulan wrote:
What I am asking about is whether you like to cause things to happen, either on a small scale (like for example simple change of position of pieces of furniture in your room) or a large one (like instilling ideas in others' heads by expressing them). Are you fascinated with possibilities you have, with all those hypothetical things which may happen thanks to your actions and which are within your reach so that everything depends only on you?
we I like playing RTS games, so yes. Liking to build up fleets, armies, solar empires, etc. is
Though hmm...yes I remember thinking a LOT when I was younger about thinking I pissed everyone off and they're after me, and I have to fight them all or rebel or hide from them in guerilla warfare s**t or classic fugitive stuff; maybe to impress people I like
It's about control and my need for control and power was always very strong - things happen at your order, you get it. When I was little, I destroyed some things only because they were brittle so I was afraid they could be damaged soon by someone else and I couldn't stand that stress of waiting for the Time of Great Destruction
. They were already "ghosts" of things, they were already "dead" thanks to their brittleness and that thought kept nagging me, tempting me to use my "kill potential"
like when people are paranoid when something happens because it scares them s**tless (normally things loud), so they do it themselves.themselves. k.
I am a Star Wars Fan, Warsie here.
Masterdebating on chi-city's south side.......!