Okay, like I said, it's been over a year, but I'll try to think of as many details as I can. I can't remember their names at all, but the little girl was in eight and in the first grade. She was definitely on the chubbier side and her classmates were kind of mean to her when she wanted to play with their toys in gym class. I remember one snapped at her. She also wore a lot of the same outfits over and over: stripped long-sleeved dresses and matching pants. Her older brother was very anxious and didn't like his mom talking to him about something that had happened in the cafeteria earlier in the day (which they didn't film). The fourteen-year-old girl was in ninth grade I believe and I clearly remember her wearing a magenta blazer over her outfit. I belive she had dark blonde hair and the little girl had brown hair, just like her older brother.
I believe that this documentary also featured Temple Grandin (sorry if I messed up her name, I'm bad at names) in it after the girls. I'm not extremely positive it was this one, but I'm about 85% sure.