It can't be cyclothymia, I've had full blown mania before.
Nightsun, were you talking about me, I'm a she, you would not be the first one that said my pic looked like a guy though!
Yeah, my Aspie Quiz and AQ tests both say I'm slightly below the spectrum, and my therapist says I have some traits, but I don't quite act like the aspies he has as clients.
Basically I have special interests, stimming like crazy, bad social skills, and meltdowns but I understand non-verbal cues and I understand all the rules of the NT's behavior.
I've had people swear up and down I'm an aspie and people swear up and down I am not, which is why I was confused so long.
I took this video down, but on Youtube I used to have a video where I described my dx and other disorders to see if people could agree. I had the mentally ill people say I was just mentally ill, while the aspies thought I was aspie... it was kind of funny, lol.
Crazy Bird Lady!! !
Also likes Pokemon
Avatar: A Shiny from the new Pokemon Pearl remake, Shiny Chatot... I named him TaterTot...
FINALLY diagnosed with ASD 2/6/2020