outlier wrote:
I would, and have always thought this way.
-If I did want to meet the people I knew the first time around, I know where they live.
-The opportunities I let pass would be available again for my interests and career.
-I would have knowledge of how to deal with stress and overload in better ways, and my body was stronger then, so I'd generally be happier.
-I'd get to take Saturday art classes at school again and this time would not allow the school to lose all my work.
-I would get to talk to my chemistry teacher again.
-I also preferred the music and TV. However, the internet would not be available to me until after I'd left school.
-I would know that all the hypochondria turned out to be nothing in the end.
-Bad relationships could be avoided and the time put to more productive use.
-I'd take on some extracurricular activities and not drop the ones I did before my exams.
Hey dude...that first point is
really heading into stalker/serial killer territory.
But here's what you're all forgetting: if you were to go back in time with the knowledge you have now and do all the things again...it would cause a paradox; the reason you have the knowledge you have now is
because of those events.
I had a dream a few months back--I mentioned it here, in fact--where I found myself back in high school again, with the knowledge I have now.
Nothing changed.
Reason being: that's how it was gonna go down; that's always how it was gonna go down, otherwise, I wouldn't be who I am today, and wouldn't have the knowledge that I had in the dream.
To quote Morpheus from the Matrix Reloaded:
"What happened happened and couldn't have happened any other way"
Woman: "Why not?"
"We are still alive"