WritersBlock wrote:
I would imagine this stems from having exhausted the learning/entertainment value of a given activity or subject. I believe it's a good thing to move on and experience new things.
I've had several interests that eventually gave way to newer ones.
Very clairvoyant, I thought it, scrolled down, and there it was.
This happens throughout life, it can be a growing experience or an evasive maneuver attempt.
If the latter applies, it will later re-apply, find it, face it, fix it. I have had this feeling of burn-out with people, places and things. Once I actually gave up the career dream job with no more excuse other than "I lost my give a s**t". There was no other way to put it, and I still cannot come up with a better term. As it turns out, it was the single largest growth spurt I've yet to experience in four decades. Just be honest with yourself and try not to leave anything in bad terms, and grow.