protest_the_hero wrote:
MathGirl wrote:
I don't think it's that frequent... at my school, there are 7 people with ASD (with me included) or 6 (not counting me), which is about 1 in 150. The total population of my school is around 1100 students.
(Note: I've been unofficially diagnosed by my school psychologist.)
Are you sure there are no others? I don't think the school knows about my diagnosis. You wouldn't know about me.
I'm pretty sure that there is a law across North America that all of the students who are diagnosed with a condition that affects their ability to learn in a regular classroom are required to have an IEP. Asperger's is considered to be a learning disability, because NLD is part of it. My special ed teacher is the one who makes the IEPs, so I asked him about the number of people with an ASD.
Oh, and another thing. Many people get misdiagnosed because the criteria are very broad. I've met a couple of people at my school who seem to have a similar way of thinking to mine, but it doesn't mean that they're on the spectrum.
Leading a double life and loving it (but exhausted).
Likely ADHD instead of what I've been diagnosed with before.