Not really.
I had three teachers whom I particularly liked in high school. They all had similar styles: over the top, funny, yet still sensitive to individual students' needs (one exempted me from her "everyone sits next to someone they don't know" policy without knowing I was diagnosed with anything; she just told me that she knew I was too quiet and would be very uncomfortable). In two of those classes, I did extremely well; in one, I did poorly. But regardless of what teacher I had, I always did extremely well in those first two subjects and poorly in the last.
Then I had three teachers whom I didn't like. Two weren't so severe (they annoyed me but not to the point of hate), but the other was bordering on so intolerable that I will quit this class (I did end up finishing). I did very well in those two of those subjects (including the intolerable one), but again, I always did. The third was poor, as per usual.
I did however quit one class from the first day just because I couldn't stand the teacher. She informed us first thing that we weren't allowed to be quiet in her class, because quiet had nothing to do with personality, it was from laziness and stupidity (and she was teaching a child development course). I went no way in (guess), and as soon as that class was over, I went straight to the office and changed it. So I guess that time it did affect me.
"Nothing worth having is easy."
Three years!