Danielismyname wrote:
Hans Asperger had children with delayed verbal ability, so it's accurate enough. He also had people with LFA too (ha).
The DSM and its ilk are written up for the most socially able of Hans' group for AS, which were in the majority compared to Kanner's group, where the majority weren't as socially able.
Some people with the delay in speech end up more able socially, whereas others don't; this tends to define which label they're given (whether they ignore people, which is Autism, or they do the whole one-sided talking about the interest thingy, which is AS).
OK, then autism doesn't exist! I mean sooner or later ANY NT function may have SOMEONE that is autistic. Heck, I bet a number here went to regular schools, like I did! SO, if an LFA at aspergers institute means that LFA people are AS, then AS people at an NT meeting means that AS people are NT. WOW, the end of autism in such a simple little post! WHO KNEW?
DON'T forget! If A=B and B=C then A=C! SO, LFA=AS=NT, so LFA people are NT!