Right now, at our state of evolution, we like to talk about problems...just to feel good about ourselves for caring.
Yeah...that sounds stupid to me too.
I think most great ideas for a better world are great on paper, but they just don't work yet.
Take freedom; I think the idea sounds absolutely fantastic on paper, but I think deep down most humans can barely comprehend what freedom is really all about.
Back when I used to be a Republican, I would remember hearing Rush Limbaugh say how deep down all humans yearn from freedom.
Do they really? Or do they just think they do? I'm not saying impose a police state on anybody, but don't expect the majority of humankind to jump head over heels for actual freedom. Not anytime soon...the idea is far too advanced.
Look at it this way: the majority of lottery winners( not to mention those who play the lottery and don't win) usually don't even know how to handle all the money they've won when they finally have it, because the responsibility is just too much for them to handle.
If these people can't even handle getting a few extra hundred thou or more, how can they handle something as incredible as freedom?
I believe, for most of humanity, the idea is just too strong and powerful to truly comprehend.
Another reason I believe that we have to evolve before achieving world peace or whatever is because most of the ideas that get one to see the 'big picture', and that get them "out of the box" seem so advanced for most people, that when you try to explain it to them--even in the simplest possible sense--they pretty much wind up mentally "collapsing" and responding to you like a babbling 3-year-old.
They can handle the basic survival ideas, and can "argue politics", cause all that is sort of a civil form of the basic ideas we've known since caveman times. Beyond that, it's like a mental "shutdown" for most people.
Once humans evolve, all those problems will be solved. Until then, the only reason I get any news coverage at all is because it happens to be on at the McDonald's I frequent...