omegatyrant wrote:
What do you think? Is there anyone else who feels like they were simply "Born Too Late?"
In some ways, but the things I see myself doing (in the past) would be hard for women to be 'allowed' to do, and I wouldn't swap the general freedom females have today for anything from the past. Heaven knows it lacks a lot as it is.
I can see how aspie males could be better off in the past though. You could more easily get by on your skills, there was far less formal requirements, it was more appreciated that you did your job well than that you fit in with your co-workers. You could more easily be a self-made man. So, if I had been a guy, I might have chosen to live in the past.
Quite frankly I'd have missed the conveniences of modern technology and hygiene though. City life suits me.
If any of the big inventors we suspect were aspies actually were, I bet the time they lived in played a part in them being able to succeed. Had they been born today, I think they would be far more likely to be part of the 80% of us who are at any time unemployed.
I'm glad I do not live in a small town with rampant gossip where everybody knows everything
Me too. I wouldn't live in a place like that for anything. My paternal grandmother lived in a small place where people would pop by at anytime more or less and if you were put, they expected the key to be in the mailbox so they could enter and wait for you. Yeeaahh.. I can't even say how badly that suits me. (This was more common for her generation though.)
I really like the anonymity of the city. No one gets too close. Everything is relatively near when you need something. Yep, city life FTW.