anxiety25 wrote:
I repeat what I say all of the time, but I also do this thing where I start "writing" in the air with my finger, the last word of what people have said, or the last word of my thought... I guess to keep track of things, but I do it over and over until the end of the next sentence.
OMG I do that! Sentences sometimes, with my finger in the air or in my head, I do the letters the right way round then a different way...all very confusing and often very annoying! Often not even anything worth remembering, or needing to be remembered, and I've forgotten it soon. Nice to know it's not just me!
At work people would give me their order and I would often repeat what they said, someimes adding 'yeah' on the end, even though it was inaudible to the customer, but I thought this was normal.
I do also smetimes get told off for repeating other people though I don't always notice I'm doing it. And I didn't personall think it was anything to make a fuss about e.g. Them: 'I haven't seen *film name*' Me: 'You haven't seen *fim name*!'
Sometimes I do it but I thik most of what I do everyone does, though some people may disagree.
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Monty Python's Life of Brian