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31 Oct 2009, 1:47 pm

I frequently have this issue I'm ALWAYS repeating myself. Sometimes to remember stuff (like a shopping list you recite it to yourself repeatedly which is normal) but I'll get excited over something and repeat stuff. :-( I also forget stuff I've mention months in the past and mom will say you've said that before to me like 4 times. I was like oh ok.


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31 Oct 2009, 2:10 pm

I guess I kinda have it bad..I have the habit of sometimes repeating back whatever phrase somebody says to me....and I will sometimes say the same sentence over and over and over again to myself ...and I do tend to repeat different incidents to people who have already heard them 100 times (but I never really ever associated that part with echolalia)


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31 Oct 2009, 2:26 pm

Ya repeating stuff you've said before in the past is delayed Echolalia (something you've said days/months ago) my main issue is just Echolalia and it's not repeating what's said to me it's mainly me getting excited over something therefore repeating what I just said. :-( I googled trying to fix it to no results. :-(


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31 Oct 2009, 2:39 pm

I was under the impression that Echolalia is repeating what someone else says.


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31 Oct 2009, 3:08 pm

I repeat what I say all of the time, but I also do this thing where I start "writing" in the air with my finger, the last word of what people have said, or the last word of my thought... I guess to keep track of things, but I do it over and over until the end of the next sentence.

Sorry about the incredibly long post...

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31 Oct 2009, 3:11 pm

CerebralDreamer wrote:
I was under the impression that Echolalia is repeating what someone else says.

Yea, me too.. and I thought it was more of repeating the sounds than repeating the meanings. Not like actually talking.

There are a lot of times where I'll start repeating myself a lot, or where I'll repeat what other people said, but I usually thought that that was more to "try out" what they said, or like zeldapsychology said, repeating myself 'cause I'm excited about something.. I didn't think that was echolalia.. Am I taking the term too literally? Maybe this is silly, but I was under the impression that echolalia was closer to mimicking an actual echo.


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31 Oct 2009, 3:42 pm

I don't repeat what people say. I thought repeating yourself was echolila aswell not sure. I know repeating something you've said before is delayed Echolila though. Glad to know I'm not the only one that repeats stuff when excited. :-)


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31 Oct 2009, 4:24 pm

Echolalia means repeating someone else's words- either immediately or after a delay. Repeating your own words is called palilalia.

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31 Oct 2009, 4:29 pm

It seems more mild as I don't repeat myself much now. But I think it was worse when I was a young kid.

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31 Oct 2009, 6:50 pm

LostInSpace wrote:
Echolalia means repeating someone else's words- either immediately or after a delay. Repeating your own words is called palilalia.

Yeah I did that as a kid, but I used to repeat things that I wouldn't even understand and my sister's favourite line for me was 'you don't know what you're talking about'. How those words just stabbed into my heart.

I'm not sure if I do it anymore. I quote pretty much any show I watch.

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31 Oct 2009, 6:54 pm



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31 Oct 2009, 7:17 pm

LostInSpace wrote:
Echolalia means repeating someone else's words- either immediately or after a delay. Repeating your own words is called palilalia.

Thanks LostInSpace now I know what I did isn't Echolalia but palialia (Some weird words I wonder who came up with them) (I know both stem from greek meanings but the terms sound like gibberish palialia would make a good alien name LOL!


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31 Oct 2009, 7:48 pm

anxiety25 wrote:
I repeat what I say all of the time, but I also do this thing where I start "writing" in the air with my finger, the last word of what people have said, or the last word of my thought... I guess to keep track of things, but I do it over and over until the end of the next sentence.

OMG I do that! Sentences sometimes, with my finger in the air or in my head, I do the letters the right way round then a different way...all very confusing and often very annoying! Often not even anything worth remembering, or needing to be remembered, and I've forgotten it soon. Nice to know it's not just me!
At work people would give me their order and I would often repeat what they said, someimes adding 'yeah' on the end, even though it was inaudible to the customer, but I thought this was normal.
I do also smetimes get told off for repeating other people though I don't always notice I'm doing it. And I didn't personall think it was anything to make a fuss about e.g. Them: 'I haven't seen *film name*' Me: 'You haven't seen *fim name*!'
Sometimes I do it but I thik most of what I do everyone does, though some people may disagree.

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31 Oct 2009, 7:56 pm

While I can usually keep it subdued to an inaudible or barely audible level in the presence of others, when alone, unless I am outright talking to myself consciously as a means of organising thoughts, I am nearly always engaging in some form of palilalia, delayed echolalia or just plain vocal perseveration. My most prominent echolalic feature is the compulsion to see something written, such as on a road sign or in a news article, and then (semi-consciously at best) start repeating it. It is much more noticeable when the item in question has an unusual sound or feel in the mouth when speaking it, especially with foreign languages - I just can't stop repeating it.

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01 Nov 2009, 4:49 pm

My partner constantly repeats what he hears on television. He doesn't even realize that he's doing it half the time; it's fun to play around with it.


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01 Nov 2009, 5:00 pm

bakattsura wrote:
My partner constantly repeats what he hears on television. He doesn't even realize that he's doing it half the time; it's fun to play around with it.

(I'm so cruel for thinking this way, I'm sure.)

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