Spazzergasm wrote:
I'm familiar with the feeling, but I can't think of a specific event. I know something like that's happened to me, too.
I'm sure they were just trying to be nice. They probably thought if you just tried one, you might think it's fun...But you didn't.

Wasn't so much not fun or fun. Just utterly confusing really. I had been on my computer, ostensibly working (Ok I was on these forums and working at the same time) and it came outta nowhere. Was only a couple of thoughts going through my head, mostly it was just... "What?"
Very unused to confusion like that. Then again, I also normally pay more attention to my surroundings.
I am Jon Stewart with some Colbert cynicism, Thomas Edison's curiousity, wrapped around a hardcore gamer sprinkled very liberally with Deadpool, and finished off with an almost Poison Ivy-esque love/hate relationship with humanity flourish.