...I was just pointing out that other meaning of " BAP " , no , I didn't think that someone in Taiwan would likely have Halley berry or Wendy O. Williams for his dad , I was just pointing out the acronym meaning I knew .
FTM , " BAP " is dervived from - You know this , you Yank right ??????? - " JAP " , for " Jewish American Princess " , whichwas the basist for a lotta - proabably MORE " non-PC " than " BAP " - jokes in the 60s and 70s !
ASS-P wrote:
..." BAP " is ???????
"Black American Princess" ofcourse!
Both of his parents are Black American princesses!
Doncha know that you are required to have telepathy and be able to read minds when you join wrongplanet? No body EVER reveals the secret meanings of acronyms here because every time you reveal the meaning of acronym an angel dies!
But in all seriousness:
Two suggestions
For members: It wouldnt kill you if you state what an acronym means to us readers. Just one time in your first paragraph or your original post. Dont have to again in the whole thread.
For the site creators: There oughtta be a spot on the home page here that links you to a wrongplanet glossory of frequently used phrases here, and general aspiespeak. That way newcomers (and veteran members who dont know all the latest lingo) can learn what an "NT" is, and what "PDD" is, and even what a "dx" is, and so forth.
Just a couple of thoughts.[/quote]