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03 Nov 2009, 5:37 pm

I don't. I think it's stupid. It generally hates ASD people...
just a group of punks under the age of 25.
They not only are against ASD people, they are against everything that I am for:
Religion, conservatism, civility, neutrality, morality, ethics, clean language, disability tolerance, etc.
My political/religious combo beliefs should be none of your business.
Yes, I do find them annoying and stupid.
But, at the same time, we have a little thing in America called "free speech"
That I am in full support of.


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03 Nov 2009, 5:49 pm

I've heard of urban dictionary here and there, but I've never paid much attention.. worst thing you can do to somebody (particularly a website) who just wants to raise a ruckus is ignore 'em. :-) (Meaning, worst thing for them, not worst thing for you.)


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03 Nov 2009, 6:04 pm

I use it to check up new words I find on the Internet. Other than that, I don't find it worth spending my time on.

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03 Nov 2009, 6:06 pm

I despise Urban Dictionary. Before I knew what it was all about I visited a few times looking for the definition of certain slang terms. It was like being assaulted by the worst kind of vulgarity. It's like a smelly garbage dump crawling with maggots.


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03 Nov 2009, 6:14 pm

Not only do I love Urban Dictionary, I actively contribute to it.

jimmister wrote:
I don't. I think it's stupid. It generally hates ASD people...
just a group of punks under the age of 25.
They not only are against ASD people, they are against everything that I am for:
Religion, conservatism, civility, neutrality, morality, ethics, clean language, disability tolerance, etc.
My political/religious combo beliefs should be none of your business.
Yes, I do find them annoying and stupid.
But, at the same time, we have a little thing in America called "free speech"
That I am in full support of.

Except that, not only is judging an entire site based on what a few people contribute wrong, but if you find a contribution that you're offended by, you can put in a deletion request. Most of the time, the requests are fulfilled.

Agender person.


Last edited by beau99 on 03 Nov 2009, 6:17 pm, edited 1 time in total.


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03 Nov 2009, 6:17 pm

Urban dictionary? Meh.

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03 Nov 2009, 6:46 pm

Ok the definitions are very crude and vulgar but it is very useful if you don't live in a English speaking country and don't know the slangs people use. I use it every now and then. I also use Dictionary and Merrian-Webster (with pronuciation!) online when chatting on the internet or reading books in English. God I wonder why they hadn't invented internet dictionaries when I was young it used to take an eternity to seek words.

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03 Nov 2009, 6:53 pm

It's occasionally helpful, but mostly just vulgar.

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03 Nov 2009, 7:04 pm

No. I don't like that sort of site, too trashy and antagonistic. "Not smart like us." :lol:

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03 Nov 2009, 7:05 pm

Urban Dictionary is ret*d. 90% of the definitions are sexual meanings. Lemme guess, to QueenOfSpades is to put your fingers together in a pincer fashion and shoving em into 5 p*****s after picking up 5 chicks?


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03 Nov 2009, 7:46 pm

I like it because it's been helpful when I've looked things up. It's good for getting a good idea of what the popular opinion is about what certain phrases mean. XD; And sometimes it's really funny.
Some entries are kind of stupid, but whatever.

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03 Nov 2009, 9:42 pm

Wedge wrote:
Ok the definitions are very crude and vulgar but it is very useful if you don't live in a English speaking country and don't know the slangs people use. I use it every now and then.

Same for me.


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04 Nov 2009, 10:35 am

I like it. It lets me find out the meanings of slang words that I hear but don't know to possibly avoid looking like an idiot in the future. I've posted a few things on there before as well.


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04 Nov 2009, 11:15 am

Good that I know what the NTs think through UD. They're plain ignorant though.

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