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What is your diet?
Omnivore 40%  40%  [ 14 ]
Pescatarian (vegetarian who eats fish and shellfish) 11%  11%  [ 4 ]
Ovo-Lacto Vegetarian 37%  37%  [ 13 ]
Vegan (no animal products whatsoever) 11%  11%  [ 4 ]
Total votes : 35

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02 Nov 2009, 4:56 pm

Hi. I know a lot of aspies like animals more than people, so I was wondering how many aspie vegetarians there are compared to NT vegetarians.


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02 Nov 2009, 5:02 pm

Aspie vegans represeeeeeeent :D


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02 Nov 2009, 5:39 pm

I'm an ovo-lacto vegetarian.
It's interesting that there are no votes for omnivore so far. I know that there are meat eaters on this site, but apparently they're not interested in this thread.

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02 Nov 2009, 5:47 pm

OuterBoroughGirl wrote:
I'm an ovo-lacto vegetarian.
It's interesting that there are no votes for omnivore so far. I know that there are meat eaters on this site, but apparently they're not interested in this thread.

Same thing happened when I tried to do this poll a couple months ago.


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02 Nov 2009, 6:59 pm

I like eating meat, but got nothing against vegetarians.

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02 Nov 2009, 8:26 pm

I will eat anything, but I am not all the keen on red meat. I prefer fish and fowl to steak for example. I also like dairy and plenty of fresh fruit and veggies. A day without a fresh salad is a day without joy.



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02 Nov 2009, 9:12 pm

I put ovo-lacto vegetarian, but I lied. I do not eat eggs. I do not eat much dairy, as I am lactose intolerant, but I do like cheese and will put butter on things from time to time. I buy soy milk and prefer to use vegan alternatives to dairy, but I still break down and find myself munching on sharp cheddar now and then...

While it is slightly off topic, I am curious... Those of you who are vegans, what is your stand on honey? I know some who shun it and some who love it...

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02 Nov 2009, 9:17 pm

dossa wrote:
I put ovo-lacto vegetarian, but I lied. I do not eat eggs. I do not eat much dairy, as I am lactose intolerant, but I do like cheese and will put butter on things from time to time. I buy soy milk and prefer to use vegan alternatives to dairy, but I still break down and find myself munching on sharp cheddar now and then...

While it is slightly off topic, I am curious... Those of you who are vegans, what is your stand on honey? I know some who shun it and some who love it...

By definition honey is not vegan, since it is an animal product. People who eat honey but don't eat meat, eggs, or dairy can call themselves "beegans" or by some definitions, a strict vegetarian. They are not vegans.


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02 Nov 2009, 9:28 pm

I have a question for you vegans. I'm not trying to be insensitive or troll, I'm only curious.

Why do you feel that it's wrong to eat dairy products and honey? It's not like animals are killed for these products.

Another one: Would you also refuse to wear clothes made of wool?


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02 Nov 2009, 9:34 pm

Skilpadde wrote:
I have a question for you vegans. I'm not trying to be insensitive or troll, I'm only curious.

Why do you feel that it's wrong to eat dairy products and honey? It's not like animals are killed for these products.

Another one: Would you also refuse to wear clothes made of wool?

They are killed, actually. Dairy cows are killed after they stop producing milk, and their male calves are killed for veal. In addition to that, in order to produce milk dairy cows are continuously forced to become pregnant and then their babies are taken away from them. This happens even with "happy cows". Bees also die when honey is collected, in addition to having their food taken away from them.

Vegans do not wear wool - sheep are often injured in the process of shearing, plus there's mulesing (a google search will bring up some rather graphic photos). In addition to that, we believe that it's wrong to use animals as objects.


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02 Nov 2009, 10:04 pm

Sati wrote:
dossa wrote:
I put ovo-lacto vegetarian, but I lied. I do not eat eggs. I do not eat much dairy, as I am lactose intolerant, but I do like cheese and will put butter on things from time to time. I buy soy milk and prefer to use vegan alternatives to dairy, but I still break down and find myself munching on sharp cheddar now and then...

While it is slightly off topic, I am curious... Those of you who are vegans, what is your stand on honey? I know some who shun it and some who love it...

By definition honey is not vegan, since it is an animal product. People who eat honey but don't eat meat, eggs, or dairy can call themselves "beegans" or by some definitions, a strict vegetarian. They are not vegans.

Thank you for your response. I have never heard the term 'beegan' before. That made me smile. I agree with your thoughts on this... I always thought if you do eat honey, by definition you would not be a vegan... It always amazes me how many ways vegetarians and vegans can be split and categorized. It confuses me sometimes.

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03 Nov 2009, 3:21 am

Vegetarian. "Pescatarian" is one of the stupidest words around and I ain't using it. The Vegetarian Society can go hang; they didn't invent the word vegetarian (though they claim to have done) and they certainly don't get to define it (though they try). Gits. :lol:

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03 Nov 2009, 10:34 am

I voted "vegan", because that is the diet I would like to adhere to. I'm nearly there.
It isn't even remotely out of some ethical concern for animals. Humans are animals. We've just managed to outsmart all the other predators.
I eat vegetarian/vegan because of digestive issues and general health.
I physically feel better when I do not eat animal food products.


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03 Nov 2009, 5:33 pm

I eat meat, I especially like chicken. While I like the taste of a good steak or roast beef once in a while, I sometimes feel ill after eating it and swear that I'm going to stop. I think I have trouble digesting it. Fish I could absolutely live on. I'm not crazy about turkey. I adore vegetables, fresh vegetables and fresh fruits. I love rice. I like milk, cheese and eggs also.


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03 Nov 2009, 5:49 pm

I love animals so much, especially chicken, deep fried and very crispy


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03 Nov 2009, 6:08 pm

I think humans are fundamentally different from animals; we're sentient, and the animals we generally eat as food aren't (you might make a case for the non-human great apes or for whales and dolphins). That means that while they are capable of suffering (which needs to be minimized), killing an animal is not murder because murder is the killing of a sentient creature. Animals (or, in any case, most animals, including the ones generally eaten) can't comprehend their own existence or their own mortality.

Because we are sentient, though, we can't behave like any ordinary predator (and we are predators--omnivorous ones, but predators still). When my cat catches a mouse, she's not aware of the mouse's suffering. When I eat a steak, I'm well aware that the cow that was slaughtered for that steak might have been exposed to inhumane conditions, and that gives me--unlike my cat--a responsibility to ensure that the animals I eat do not suffer, and that if I kill an animal, directly or indirectly, I must ensure that I do it for a very good reason.

Animal rights, no. Animal welfare, definitely. And human responsibility. You don't get to be the top predator on the planet, with a brain big enough to conceive of the entire universe, without being assigned quite a lot of responsibility.

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