Having to conform and in a way living a parallel existance t

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06 Nov 2009, 6:12 pm

Having to conform and in a way living a parallel existance to what may of been?

Those of us who were suppressed as children, institutionalize, held back for many reasons now have a voice, but I cannot help but wonder if we were embraced as children, what advances or other things may of been missed. Many including self feel we are the way we are for a reason and so find it
hard that often many still feel a need to change us!

While I accept my for who I am, I guess I am looking at the bigger picture the what ifs, if many of us were allowed to take a different path, almost like parallel existences, would the world be different now? If we were not made to conform as such, would we still be cast aside as many are now, myself life until I had the confidence to be in part a pretense to fit somewhere, these days the more I revert to me, my visions the more interesting my life becomes... the irrelevance of many things I choose to not have to deal with these days...

Interventions good and bad, depends on if correct for individual and often the individual gets no say... the important thing I feel is allowing, accepting and understanding the individual not just on our own terms.... Many of us masters of many things, including the universe in theory anyway... and so I can not help but wonder would we know more maybe... so much still unknown.

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