Do I have Aspergers?
Hi, I did some research about Aspergers for English homework, and it got me thinking, "I might have that..." (Quite mildly)
My reasoning was:
I am not exactly great at socialising, and if I am not friends with the person, I hate being with them. Also, unless I know the person I never look in to their eyes. I have never had many friends either (Very few actually)
I like computers, science and books.
I have realised that I do rock back and forth a bit sometimes.
I defiantly have OCd (I noticed that years ago) and many Aspies I know have it.
All my friends have Aspergers.
I get very angry, very easily.
I have an excellent memory. (Only for totally pointless stuff though)
I have noticed that I do sometimes here a word or something and keep saying it over and over again.
I do sometimes get a bit obsessed with things.
I speak quite formally.
I hate team sports.
My voice may be slightly Monotonous.
On the autism Quotient Test I scored 38 (Most aspies have over 32)
Please tell me what you think!! ! I never intend to get a full diagnosis as employers may read medical records.
Sounds very possible to me.
But since you aren't going for an official diagnosis, I would say whether or not you have it doesn't really matter. What does matter is if things that help many Aspies cope with the negatives and accentuate the positives also help you.
You have almost 90 posts, so obviously you've discovered what a great resource this site is.
I'm never gonna dance again, Aspie feet have got no rhythm.