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06 Nov 2009, 4:19 am

I doubt this is worthy of its own topic, but it creeped me out so here it is.

I was on my laptop last night when I saw an advertisment on T.V. However, this one was different. It was full of people all saying things and using extreme body language. They were all waving their hands around and making expressions. For some reason, this disturbed me, I had to RUN out of the room. It was unexplainable... such a horrible sensation. I freaked out and couldn't go back into the room for 10 minutes.

Has anyone else had a meltdown at shows of extreme body language before? It worried me because I don't often have meltdowns, and they're never extreme when I do...


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06 Nov 2009, 5:42 am

Was the sound turned down so all you see was the movements and facial expressions? What was being advertised? Sometimes commercials are so bizarre when they try to convince you that whatever product will bring you joy and contentment so they really lay it on thick. I am very cynical about this so my tendency would be to laugh.

Detach ed


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06 Nov 2009, 5:48 am

Maybe it was a special ad for deaf people?
They are very expressive!

And no, I've never had that kind of meltdown myself.

What happened to you looks more of a panic attack than anything else.


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06 Nov 2009, 6:23 am

Sometimes i 'melt down' during tv ads but its for emotional reasons. Once there was an ad for toothpaste that showed a happy high school couple. I had to run outside where i started laying into a brick wall! Damn people rubbin my face in it :(


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06 Nov 2009, 6:47 am

I think the ad was from the government, something about "everyday people". Not entirely sure...

I could hear what they were saying, but their hands were moving more than their mouths and it was creepy, I'm used to knowing what people mean when talking but when they use more body language than actual language... it's not something I enjoy.


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06 Nov 2009, 10:01 am

I sometimes had problems understanding some adverts on the telly especially what they are for. Some NT people I know have left their tellies on with the volume down on a programe and I would not be able to understand what is going on. I have not had a meltdown at this but it has triggered off epileptic seizures.:idea:

Last edited by Aspiewordsmith on 06 Nov 2009, 10:12 am, edited 2 times in total.


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06 Nov 2009, 10:05 am

I don't know if this is in any way related, but when I see an ad on TV with a song or dialogue that I think is stupid, I cringe every time I see it - to the point where I need to leave. It's almost like a meltdown.

Reality is a nice place but I wouldn't want to live there


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06 Nov 2009, 11:33 am

gramirez wrote:
I don't know if this is in any way related, but when I see an ad on TV with a song or dialogue that I think is stupid, I cringe every time I see it - to the point where I need to leave. It's almost like a meltdown.

Yes! Definitely me too. McDonalds ads for one severely annoy me cos theyre so cheesy. Or maybe im just jealous of the 'happy family' thats involved. :roll:


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06 Nov 2009, 12:56 pm

I just hate the cheap, formulaic way that people who make things for tv work. Demographics, assuming we're all idiots who need everything bigger, louder, faster! I saw a commercial the other day that I had to look away from. I had it muted, so I have to assume a fast song was playing because the changes from clip to clip were literally flashing by at the rate of less than one second each. I suppose they were set to match whatever music was playing. I actually wanted to glean more about what was being advertised, some show or movie, but the clips passed so quickly that I couldn't take them in before they were gone. In the end, I gave up and angrily looked away. Had I continued to look, I would have grown still more agitated.

I wish things would slow down a little. They don't give you a chance anymore. TVs in the mall, in the danged grocery store? Who cares what the little weenie guy says about the vegetable of the week? In my opinion he's way too excited about the subject. And some guy turned up at my door the other day talking so danged fast that I didn't even know if saying, "No, thank you," would have been an appropriate response to what he was requesting! Seriously, peppy, hyper, yapping about what I could only guess was some game involving meeting his neighbors... His hazy purpose and speed mumbling frightened me and I just wanted him gone. But that's how everything is now, phrenetic, frantic, frenzied, "in your face" and EXTREME!! ! I see it while driving, people who would cheerfully risk killing themselves and me and anyone else in my car in order that they might not have to decelerate. People blow off that sort of complaint but that is what it is... Risk ending it all rather than having to wait, the belief that we're all entitled to speed through everything, including our entertainment.

Yeah, the mention of one commercial has set me off that much... It's just that I have to go drive among them once more to return some slacks. It must be done today. Every car that drives behind is going to drive too close, even when they think they're not, every car is going to make me feel hounded and hunted and nervous as they lose sight of the risks they take in favor of what they consider my violation of their rights to speed up.

Sorry I wandered so far off topic. Or maybe I didn't... you were alarmed by wild, frantic motion by people who don't get it. And we're surrounded by that.

It's times like this that I feel like an undiagnosed Aspie instead of an eccentric NT with executive dysfunction.

"Pack up my head, I'm goin' to Paris!" - P.W.

The world loves diversity... as long as it's pretty, makes them look smart and doesn't put them out in any way.

There's the road, and the road less traveled, and then there's MY road.


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06 Nov 2009, 1:42 pm

So true irishwhistle and another thing that creeps me out is the way they portray children like any second they are going to start screaming. I'm offended by some things that many don't even notice, like when smart , out of the mainstream kids are cast as objects of ridicule and pity and selfishness is portrayed as a virtue.

Detach ed


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06 Nov 2009, 4:28 pm

Yes, one of society's rules seems to be faster is better. I also cringe and have to look away if I see something too cheesy. Even things in real life are too fast to follow some of the time. Almost all of the time really.

It was strange though, to react to something so simple so strongly.


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06 Nov 2009, 4:32 pm

irishwhistle wrote:
I wish things would slow down a little. They don't give you a chance anymore. TVs in the mall, in the danged grocery store? Who cares what the little weenie guy says about the vegetable of the week? In my opinion he's way too excited about the subject. And some guy turned up at my door the other day talking so danged fast that I didn't even know if saying, "No, thank you," would have been an appropriate response to what he was requesting! Seriously, peppy, hyper, yapping about what I could only guess was some game involving meeting his neighbors... His hazy purpose and speed mumbling frightened me and I just wanted him gone. But that's how everything is now, phrenetic, frantic, frenzied, "in your face" and EXTREME!! ! I see it while driving, people who would cheerfully risk killing themselves and me and anyone else in my car in order that they might not have to decelerate. People blow off that sort of complaint but that is what it is... Risk ending it all rather than having to wait, the belief that we're all entitled to speed through everything, including our entertainment.

And people wonder why society is all crazy and messed up.

Reality is a nice place but I wouldn't want to live there