I don't spend much time on it but I have thought about being NT somewhat. I will admit that I didn't follow the "I" and then "he" throughout the scenario.
Generally, I think of being in the backyard with the neighbor men and doing that manly deed of barbecuing, drinking beer, and talking enthusiastically about sports. We each have a cell phone clipped to our hip and our SUVs sit in the drive. The dutiful women are in the house doing the actual work that makes the whole affair come together.
I don't think of such as wanting it to be but more of wondering what the appeal of such is to them. The smoke and smell of the acual fire bothers me and gets in my hair and clothes and I have to shower and change right away. I can't justify spending that much on a vehicle. I refuse to own a cell phone (that's a whole rant right there). I don't know nor care who is playing the super bowl or world series. I prefer the semi-controlled smells and sounds of indoors.
I'm grateful that I'm not NT but sometimes wonder what makes them function. I'm glad that I am who and what I am.
newchum wrote:
I wonder sometimes how my life would have been different if I had been born NT instead of autistic.
If I had been NT I would have been very outgoing like my siblings with lots of friends and also would be quite the athlete (like his dad) in primary school.
As a child he would been regarded as very smart and everyone would have praised me to high heaven, giving me a lot of self-confidence. However as a teenager, especially he stayed with his mother (very likely), his life might have gone downhill with him rebelling against his mother and also being able after say age 13 to outwit her socially (she is most likely AS and socially quite inept).
He would have gravitated towards the druggies and stoners during high school and his life would have gone down hill, he would have dropped out of high school, also run away from home as well. He would have left that scene in due time, but he would have felt he wasted his potential and life.
He would now be in a job as a manager in retail sector, most likely be in a long-term relationship and maybe thinking of establishing a family in a few years time. Still he would be deeply unhappy on how his life turned out, he would be maybe thinking about going to university to study science, however might think it would be hard to do especially if he dropped out of school in Year 10.
On the other hand if he moved in with his dad in Melbourne at age 14 or 15, his dad would have been able to save him from this fate. He would have naturally attended the same school as I did Sydney Road Community School and would have fitted in quite well in the school, made many friends and had a rich social life. He would have been a good enough student to enter Monash or Melbourne universities after high school and studied Science and would be by now studying at a post-graduate level or working as a researcher.
Overall you would find him a cool, chilled-out kind of guy, quite popular, been-there-done-that view of life, quite a cynic, certainly a little unconventional in his style and political views, kind of guy who listens to grunge, metal, rap, hip-hop and techno. He would have broad range of interests, like cars, music, sports, computer games, and even areas like biology or physics. I would find him quite different to me in many aspects, but if I knew him better I would see some aspects of myself in him.