With me, I have "obsession revivals," where I'll be prompted in some way to engage in one of my older, still intense special interests. But I don't tend to get so stuck on the revival obsession that it's all I think about. On the contrary, I will get excited about it and want to ramble about it, along with my current primary obsession, to my friends and family, but after a few days, I will go back to rambling solely about my current primary obsession. The obsession revival, for me, is really a burst of intense love, comfort, and nostalgia for my other strong special interests, but it never gets to the point where I will think about them all of the time. On the contrary, they all have had their day in the sun to be the sole thing I'd think and talk about.
Helinger: Now, what do you see, John?
Nash: Recognition...
Helinger: Well, try seeing accomplishment!
Nash: Is there a difference?