Movie - the Zero Effect - analogous to AS?

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16 Aug 2007, 3:08 pm

Has anyone here seen a film called the Zero Effect with Bill Pullman and Ben Stiller?

I liked this film. I'm wondering if the relationship between the main character and his assistant or the other characters in the film might be (although likely exaggerated) useful analogies to what it's like to be an Autistic person and relate to the rest of the world. Without it having been intended (I think) by the film-makers I notice some similarities between Daryl Zero and the tendancies among aspies. He doesn't like to interact with people (except his assistant), social situations are challenging to him and when he's forced to interact socially he's somewhat rigid and robotic as a result of his need to carefully regulate what would be "normal" (or NT) behavior. Yet his singular obsession with his work makes him brilliant in his field (like the advantage of AS).

Although admittedly in spite of the fact that I've learned to be very eclectic with regard to food, I find the idea of having cases of canned tuna laying around oddly appealing. It probably would end up becoming something other than tuna -- probably something I wouldn't need a can-opener for, but I can think of a number of different food items I might just buy in bulk and nothing else for a while if I lived by myself.



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16 Aug 2007, 4:25 pm

I have this movie some where in my collection of "movies I am going to watch some day soon"....I will locate it(could take days)watch it and gt back to you....but the description sounded very AS to me.

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17 Aug 2007, 10:57 pm

thanks krex


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14 Nov 2009, 10:56 am

I just watched this movie and thought DZ was a clever model for AS. Probably just a character based on generic "odd" people. Worth watching.

So I thought I would search WP to see if anybody else thought so.
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