*I know this kinda belongs in the work and stuff forum but I prefer posting in here and I'm hoping for a few replies quite quickly, so maybe I'll feel better, and the other forums just aren't as populated*
My best friend, who still works at the well-known charity book shop I used to work for, called today to tell me he's rewriting the reference he found from our boss for me because it was so awful! I feel so betrayed and angry. I also feel, underneath it all, that I must deserve it in some way. And I feel like a fool, because I've been attending interviews all year and I bet his stupid reference is what has been letting me down.
He wrote that I only worked there for two weeks and he never knew when I was coming in. It's not true - it's just 100% factually inaccurate. I worked there about 2 months and even looked after the shop while he was away on business a few times. I learned how to open up in the morning and cash up at night. I was trusted with the keys - how could I have only been there 2 weeks? I even answered the phone when people asked for the manager if he wasn't in and I hate phones. I thought I was well-liked, he seemed to be really pleased with my work.
I think he has done this because I left suddenly. I got a voluntary position with the NHS - which I am still doing and it has worked wonders on my CV as, for now, I want to work in hospital admin and retail just isn't my thing. I didn't tell him right away that I was leaving because I didn't want to leave, I felt like I'd really found a nice place where I fit in and was trusted. Ironically, I didn't want to let him down. After a couple of weeks I did let him know, by text as I have no land line, hadn't enough mobile credit for a call and couldn't just pop in like before as I had moved further away (another reason why I hadn't let him know earlier, I was busy moving). The text was long, 3 or 4 messages long, and said why I hadn't let him know sooner and why I was leaving etc. He didn't reply.
The most annoying thing about all of this is that the reference my friend found is very important so I can't yell at my ex-boss about it. Also my friend still works there and will get in trouble for telling me about it. I have to let my him alter it to be accurate, send it off and never say anything about it. Never go in and say "Why have you done this to me? A single woman who lives alone and has rent to pay, who has a degree but hasn't been able to get a job for nearly a year. I get that you were disappointed I left and maybe even upset about how I handled letting you know - but months of bad references? Continually telling people I lied about how long I worked for you and wasn't reliable? I don't deserve that and I hope you are ashamed."
The only saving grace here is that about a month ago one of the people I worked for at the hospital offered to be a referee for me and I replaced the charity shop guy with her as I felt her input would be more relevant to the kinds of jobs I was applying for. Thank god.