Metaphores for as
I kind of think of it as me being a computer with a completly original operating system where as most people tend to clone one anothers system. I've managed to function independantly very well but once I have to link up with someone else I run into a lot of bugs. Sometimes in trying to understand everyone else, my system of thought crashes, or it used to before I came to realize that I'll never lose interest enough in being me to put forth the effort to just plain be like everyone else (if thats possible).
Anyway What sort of mataphores have you guys come up with in your many hours of trying to describe your place on the spectrum....I used to tell people that I just had brain damage, it's not a very elagant way for a person to gain acceptance though.
Is there a perfect sort of catchy phrase out there that I could use that people could grasp. Whats the best simple way to come across with how you feel that your different? Most of mine have backfired on people, fake sympathy or trying to relate to shyness (I'm not shy). All I try to convey to people is that I'm different and it doesn't mean anything bad. Or sometrhing