Danielismyname wrote:
A man noticed such a month back when I was at the mower shop, and he spoke to my mother about it (he has a son with Autism, and I probably manifest similar to how he does).
I just lacked eye contact, stood side-on, and spoke in my monotonous voice. Not really noticeable if you ask me, as I wasn't doing any motor mannerisms at the time, but I suppose it's easy enough if you know how it presents.
ASDs are a "dark secret"? That's a new one to me.
Oh, hmm. Well I guess I don't have to worry much about that kind of thing, because I'm too old now for people to want to talk to my mom about me like I'm a kid, heh. Do you mind if people do that, just come up and talk about it? D:
I know a lot of people are proud of it and don't mind telling people, but I like my friends just thinking I'm sort of ambiguously eccentric. "Autistic" just sounds... well, just not at all romantic. XD;;;
ShadesOfMe wrote:
But sadly, he believed that we all get AS from Vaccines, "We were poisoned!"
Oh.. were we not? That's what I heard too, that it was probably vaccines. D: