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24 Apr 2009, 2:05 am

So, uh.. yeah. I was wondering. Has anyone ever called you out as having asperger's or autism? (Or have you ever called anyone else out on it?) Like, I dunno, someone you just met or something. I was just wondering because, you know, people who have it can kind of recognize it in other people, and I don't want my friends and stuff finding out. :?
Maybe it's kind of paranoid of me.;;; But it's like, in the groups I hang out with, (art and anime kids etc) you know, there tend to sometimes be people who seem like they have it, so I'm sometimes in danger of being recognized, and it would only take one slip and people would know my deep dark secret. D: D:


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24 Apr 2009, 2:17 am

never been called out for it


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24 Apr 2009, 2:25 am

A man noticed such a month back when I was at the mower shop, and he spoke to my mother about it (he has a son with Autism, and I probably manifest similar to how he does).

I just lacked eye contact, stood side-on, and spoke in my monotonous voice. Not really noticeable if you ask me, as I wasn't doing any motor mannerisms at the time, but I suppose it's easy enough if you know how it presents.

ASDs are a "dark secret"? That's a new one to me.


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24 Apr 2009, 2:27 am

Never been called out for it, but I did sort of call out an old friend. I knew he had AS and I kept wondering how to approach the subject with him, because I didn't want to look like an idiot if he didn't have it. So then, one day he's ranting and he mentions something about having a messed up brain. and I said what do you mean, and he mentions AS and I say "ME TOO!" But sadly, he believed that we all get AS from Vaccines, "We were poisoned!"


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24 Apr 2009, 3:38 am

Danielismyname wrote:
A man noticed such a month back when I was at the mower shop, and he spoke to my mother about it (he has a son with Autism, and I probably manifest similar to how he does).

I just lacked eye contact, stood side-on, and spoke in my monotonous voice. Not really noticeable if you ask me, as I wasn't doing any motor mannerisms at the time, but I suppose it's easy enough if you know how it presents.

ASDs are a "dark secret"? That's a new one to me.

Oh, hmm. Well I guess I don't have to worry much about that kind of thing, because I'm too old now for people to want to talk to my mom about me like I'm a kid, heh. Do you mind if people do that, just come up and talk about it? D:

I know a lot of people are proud of it and don't mind telling people, but I like my friends just thinking I'm sort of ambiguously eccentric. "Autistic" just sounds... well, just not at all romantic. XD;;;

ShadesOfMe wrote:
But sadly, he believed that we all get AS from Vaccines, "We were poisoned!"

Oh.. were we not? That's what I heard too, that it was probably vaccines. D:


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24 Apr 2009, 3:44 am

You know, I have extremely hard to see someone saying "Hmm, are you an Asperger?", to be honesy. The public simply isn't infromed enough. :)

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24 Apr 2009, 3:44 am

Well, I am 27. I need my mother around to drive me places and talk for me; she's my universal translator and shuttle pilot. When I'm 37 (if I make it, of course), it'll probably be the same.

I don't see why I'd mind; Autism is somewhat severe, but it's mostly invisible to "normal" people. If someone recognizes it, they know that I'm not being rude in how I interact, it's just my somewhat atypical mind manifesting itself in physical form that means no ill towards anyone.


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24 Apr 2009, 3:58 am

Henri: heh, you're probably right.

Daniel: Oh, you're a bit older than me then... but I'm rarely with my mom, I can talk alright if I need to and I take the bus. I guess I probably seem normal enough that no one will notice, but I've been wrong about that kind of thing before.;;;; It's good you don't mind though. I guess maybe I shouldn't.


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24 Apr 2009, 4:31 am

I once called someone out after only twenty minutes of meeting her. I was drunk at a party, but I did it just when she I and were talking alone.

I doubt many people would recognize the signs but if they did you could just deny it, pretend you never heard of it.


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24 Apr 2009, 4:54 am

Yes, a few times, although people usually just call me mad or weird or strange. But then I've also had someone talk to me "in confidence" about their belief that someone else's behaviour was all explained by their being AS... :)

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24 Apr 2009, 7:09 am

Not really.

Only by people who knew I was labeled.
So mostly teachers/professionals.

Other than that people have said that there's something they "can't put their finger on" about me, or they have commented on my motor coordination. I have been called a "robot" or someone who "doesn't talk" by impolite people.

I've been told to ignore these comments because I was told by my family that there was nothing "wrong" with me and that other people we're bullying me for no good reason.

I think it's something to do with my being female as well.
Lots of people are too polite and well brought up to say anything bad about me, not that they'd really be aware of AS in females anyway.

If you don't know that a condition exists, how can you form an opinion of it?

My family have never called me out as AS because they thought I was just being myself really.


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24 Apr 2009, 8:05 am

First person that said anything like that was a HFA guy I was working with, anyway that ended unfortunately because I was having a psychotic breakdown too and ended up getting fired from that job. He had some serous traits, if I end up on the spectrum he is lower functioning than me, he told me I was just a little autistic. The manager on the other hand thought that was ridiculous and didn't think I was autistic at all.

Bipolar support meeting, I was describing myself and how I acted in the past, and a lady just blurted out "I work with Autistic people and what you are describing seems autistic to me." Then the whole group questioned me a little about aspie traits, but then they seemed to get bored and moved on to other subjects.

There was this bar I used to go to (alone :P) and I would sit by the kitchen every time. Every time I went there, the kitchen staff were talking about Asperger's. Might have been a coincidence however, maybe one of the staff members?

I went to a new therapist once, and after describing myself for 15 minutes asked if I was autistic, I told her I didn't know. After talking to her some more, she took back that comment, saying I talked too well in the conversation.

One of my relatives thought I was an Aspie for years and thought it was so obvious, that I must have known already and he didn't' say anything about it until I brought it up one day.

My current therapist once was talking about me, and said "You're kind of like Bill Gates, he has something called Asperger's Syndrome" at that session I just said I kind of act like that, but in later sessions he sort of came out with it and asked if I wanted Social Skills therapy, but he wasn't sure... he probably knows what he's talking about, he works with aspie kids.

I haven't brought it up with my psychologist because I don't know how much he knows about ASDs, but after purposefully naming some of my autistic traits, he like my therapist made a Bill Gates comment, but then changed my DX to schizoaffective from psychosis nos... so he must think they were signs of true schizophrenia.

See why I am confused about this :roll:

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24 Apr 2009, 11:29 am

wigglyspider wrote:
Maybe it's kind of paranoid of me.;;; But it's like, in the groups I hang out with, (art and anime kids etc) you know, there tend to sometimes be people who seem like they have it, so I'm sometimes in danger of being recognized, and it would only take one slip and people would know my deep dark secret. D: D:

Not to worry Wiggly, they'll never suspect it.

Heck -- if you flat out told them, they would not believe you. :huh:

Good-Luck All-! 28.04.2009


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24 Apr 2009, 12:55 pm

Yes, but only once by someone who wasn't a psychiatrist/therapist. And this person has a family member with AS and noticed the signs in me. Interestingly, the person noticed my AS before I was officially diagnosed. :D

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24 Apr 2009, 1:23 pm

wigglyspider wrote:
So, uh.. yeah. I was wondering. Has anyone ever called you out as having asperger's or autism? (Or have you ever called anyone else out on it?) Like, I dunno, someone you just met or something. I was just wondering because, you know, people who have it can kind of recognize it in other people, and I don't want my friends and stuff finding out. :?
Maybe it's kind of paranoid of me.;;; But it's like, in the groups I hang out with, (art and anime kids etc) you know, there tend to sometimes be people who seem like they have it, so I'm sometimes in danger of being recognized, and it would only take one slip and people would know my deep dark secret. D: D:

Yeah - my g/f called me out during a fight we had about a year ago. I guess I should have told her but I was always petrified of telling anyone. Anyhow, a few months before that a mutual friend of ours had suggested to her that I was Autistic. She asked me at that time and I was just like "I don't think so" and tried to brush it off because I didn't want to admit it. I justified it to myself because no one had ever formally diagnosed me, and still haven't, so I could sort of say "I don't think so" without it being too much of a lie, even though by that time I suspected that I was Autistic. But later she just yelled and yelled at me after I was already really upset over something else, asking over and over again if I was and finally I admitted it. Really a horrible, traumatizing experience.


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24 Apr 2009, 2:13 pm

AmberEyes wrote:
I think it's something to do with my being female as well.
Lots of people are too polite and well brought up to say anything bad about me, not that they'd really be aware of AS in females anyway.

If you don't know that a condition exists, how can you form an opinion of it?

I had no idea that autism was a mostly male thing until I found out I had it and started reading about it. I'm female too. Maybe I should have suspected, though, when I started going to "special" school and was one of only like 5 girls.;;;;; (But that was way before I knew I had it. I just thought I was being sent there because I had been refusing to do math homework.)

Angnix: wow, thanks for the detailed reply. XD; That gives me a better idea of the whole situation, I think.

ScrewyWabbit: That really sucks. I'm sorry that happened. See, that's the kind of thing I'm sort of afraid of. That even if someone just mentions it, the idea will be planted, and then if I ever slip up around a friend, they might just be like "Wow, you're really ret*d, aren't you?" (Well, I know it wouldn't be exactly like that, but if I do something weird I don't want people to think it's "because of a disorder". I just want my actions to be what they are, if you know what I mean. Even if I do something bad, I'd rather just be "irresponsible" or "insensitive".)