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28 Nov 2009, 10:36 am

I'll just list one. At Ikea, I saw this big stuffed shark I HAD to have...It was just a bondage :P. I sleep with it every night, he's named Adamanteus :P


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28 Nov 2009, 11:09 am

I had a toy clown and his name is Jack... but the thing was, he would kinda freak me out at night :lol:

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28 Nov 2009, 2:17 pm

I have a tie named Steve. (I should wear him more, come to think of it.).

I have a stuffie/puppet wolf; his name is Stormie/Stormy (I've never really been able to make up my mind on which of the spellings I liked better for him.).

Um. Let's see.... what else..... *goes to dig out my list of my names for my stuffies*...

Right... I'm not going to list them all, because there's too many.... and the list isn't completely up to date anyhow.
But, some of the others are:
There's a big purple dog named Violet.
A black-and-white cat named Midnight.
A gray cat that (used to/sometimes still does) meows/purrs when you squeeze her; I named her "Meow-Meow Purr-Purr". (She's.... from wayyyy back).
A jaguar named Paint.
A Pokemon (Treecko) named Iggy.
A Pokemon (Grovyle) named Blade.

Among others. Heh.

They leave behind so many shadows. This substance in time forced into life,
still exists because it's here: living in me, living in all the memories, in my life.
Lost inside blank infinity.

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28 Nov 2009, 3:17 pm

Chair, table, desk

Pwning the threads with my mad 1337 skillz.


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28 Nov 2009, 3:19 pm

A big apatosaurus plush named Dinah
A small apatosaurus plush named Gilmore
A Beanie Buddy apatosaurus named Toblerone International
A model apatosaurus (not a plush) named Farrokh Franc

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28 Nov 2009, 3:21 pm

I don't name objects


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28 Nov 2009, 6:41 pm

My clock radio CD player is named Melody.

The Family Enigma

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28 Nov 2009, 7:09 pm

I didn't name my objects.
But it seems interesting to have names for them.
I'll think of naming them.


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28 Nov 2009, 7:50 pm

I named my broom Amy. A looong time ago. :lol:

Leading a double life and loving it (but exhausted).

Likely ADHD instead of what I've been diagnosed with before.


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28 Nov 2009, 8:00 pm

Car: Phoebe
Laptop: Data
Desktop 1: Compy
Desktop 2: Ami
Digital camera: Rex
Canon AE-1: Morelli
Film point and shoot: Hot Six
Polaroid camera: Lula
Canon Rebel SXi: Cole
Another film SLR: Ranger

And of course all of my stuffed animals have names :D

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28 Nov 2009, 10:38 pm

I will list one of my objects that I have named. One of my Hammond organs I named "Gladys."

"My journey has just begun."

Sea Gull
Sea Gull

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28 Nov 2009, 10:54 pm

I don't name things, and I don't even give names to my art. I only name pets, because I have to, but I'm not naturally verbal.


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28 Nov 2009, 11:41 pm

my rubber keyboard is named keybo, he has a wife named keyba shes another black keyboard but newer, then my rubber phone is named simon, my biting pillow is name bob billow, i have lots of names for things but right now those are at the top of my head hehehe.

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28 Nov 2009, 11:54 pm

Um ... huh? I don't understand the question. :oops:


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29 Nov 2009, 1:58 am

I name my halloween props. Some of them include-
Grizelda(a witch)
Michael(a vampire)
Frank(a pirate)
Rasputin(a zombie)
Charlotte(a skeletal cowgirl)
John(a wizard/elf/pointy eared dude)
Matilda(a skeleton)
Amelia(an alien chicken)
Archibald(an alien frog with wings)
Sally(a humanoid with moose antlers)

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29 Nov 2009, 5:27 am

jc6chan wrote:
I don't name objects

Music Theory 101: Cadences.
Authentic cadence: V-I
Plagal cadence: IV-I
Deceptive cadence: V- ANYTHING BUT I ! !! !
Beethoven cadence: V-I-V-I-V-V-V-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I
-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I! I! I! I I I