I have a tie named Steve. (I should wear him more, come to think of it.).
I have a stuffie/puppet wolf; his name is Stormie/Stormy (I've never really been able to make up my mind on which of the spellings I liked better for him.).
Um. Let's see.... what else..... *goes to dig out my list of my names for my stuffies*...
Right... I'm not going to list them all, because there's too many.... and the list isn't completely up to date anyhow.
But, some of the others are:
There's a big purple dog named Violet.
A black-and-white cat named Midnight.
A gray cat that (used to/sometimes still does) meows/purrs when you squeeze her; I named her "Meow-Meow Purr-Purr". (She's.... from wayyyy back).
A jaguar named Paint.
A Pokemon (Treecko) named Iggy.
A Pokemon (Grovyle) named Blade.
Among others. Heh.
They leave behind so many shadows. This substance in time forced into life,
still exists because it's here: living in me, living in all the memories, in my life.
Lost inside blank infinity.
Flavors of: Nobody. Slytherin. Autistic.