Metal_Man wrote:
Because I don't watch sports, binge drink alcohol and date rape women I get told that I'm immature and that I need to grow up. Because I am educated, work hard, going back to school and have a house that is paid for and money in the bank I am irresponsible and need to grow up. Can somebody please explain why NT's think that?
oh, but you must remember, that to be a "mature adult", you must suddenly take an interest in politics and the "pressing issues that have never been more important than they are now", start a really bad smoking or alcohol addiction, and also focus on extramarital
One thing I've learned is that most people who say this are no more mature than the people they think they're preaching too.
As I once told my friend "it's not that they mature; they're just as immature as they always were...but they express it in different ways"