Uhura wrote:
Being on the Spectrum is:
what a beautiful handle[username]! lovely. it means freedom in swahili. listed below are the traits/behaviors that i can see in my own aspie self, along with suggestions [in brackets, including for the blank letters]-
Being on the Spectrum is:
A: A part of me. Just like glasses, blond hair, etc.
B: Being part of another world, known by us as the NT world, and having to act as if we are part of the NT world.
D: Focusing on Details more than the main idea of things. [sometimes]
E: Exausting when having to be around people, lights, and sounds.
F: Frustrating at times. And being in a world where some emotions are a Foreign language.
G: Being Gulible when when given other people's ideas on things you haven't thought about.
I: A spectrum disorder, yet we are still Individuals.
J: ["jumpin' jehosephat! somebody moved my cheese!" - sensitive to sudden changes in routine]
K: Knowing others see things we do and see them only as rude, and can't understand that we are doing our best.
L: Like being someone that limps but has to keep up with groups of people who walk fast or run but in our case it is having to keep up with social skills by remembering them in time to do them and being emotionally exausted from doing so the same way someone who limps would be physically tired.
M: Misunderstood
N: ["NO soup for YOU!" - sometimes emotionally overtaxed by many different things]
O: Being Overwhelmed by stimuli.
P: Prefering to be alone instead of with groups.
Q: Wanting Quiet
R: Only able to understand and Relate to other people's emotions if they are ones I've felt. Some are a foreign language. [more like difficulty reading body language]
S: Having specialized interests and struggling with social skills.
T: Having talents that go with those interests. [no, but i sure WISH i did!]
U: Using the interent for communication more than real life since the internet is easier. [less personal, eliminates any consideration of body language issues]
V: [victory over feeling inferior to anybody else, knowledge that nobody is more than human]
W: Being blessed to have found Wrong Planet
X: [XRAY vision into the hypocrisy of other folk, especially ones in powerful positions]
Y: Struggling when people use the word You when talking to myself and others in a group. Does You mean me specifically or us as the group in general?
Z: [like a ZEBRA we are marked as obviously distinct creatures]
hope this was helpful to you.