Every time I read about creations and success by great eccentric geniuses, I somehow am always under the impression that most of them got to where they were without help from others, and without the use of major drug problems too...that they were just f*cking brilliant.
I'm reading now about some place in Wisconsin called House on the Rock, and until reading about the architect on Wikipedia, somehow the thought that the guy offered tours thru his place to raise more money to build the place never once crossed my mind.
When I read a while back that Gene Roddenberry had a major drug problem, that also never crossed my mind.
Somehow I just always assume that most of these successful people just knew that one thing that everyone else seems to, that I don't.
It turns out they usually don't, and we're smarter but.....is it something about being Autistic that makes us think everyone else knows somethin' we don't?