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05 Dec 2009, 12:54 am

is it normal for people to seemingly change around you yet you stay the same, as an aspie is this normal?

example: when we were younger me and my bro were basicly the same, i liked hotwheels so did he, i liked cats so did he, we both liked game characters, we both liked the desert, so on and so forth.

now, i like cats he likes dogs, he's not much for hotwheels while i collect them, he likes rock and metal i like varied music, i still like game characters and obsess over them, i still would much rather be in a desert i have no idea about him, it's like i barely know him anymore, i can't talk to him like i used to, i've tried being interested in his passtimes but i couldn't care less about sports and stuff, i hate his dog i actually cried because my family welcomed it into the house after my cat was attacked by a dog.

needless to say i was the only one who got upset about that, i hate the neighbors now with a burning passion.

i took pics of my cat's recovery and still have them as a reminder of my growing hatred for dogs.

anyway that aside i feel like me and him are two trains, he's speeding along and i've stopped dead on the rails fell onto the ground and nobody cares that i lay in the grass.

my family mainly my mom has me making tributes in the form of slideshows for others, but what about me. i'm not making these slideshows anymore, i don't want to consistently give and give and not get back.

sorry this turned into a sorta half rant.

xemnas: ....
what is your problem now.
xemnas: .... you seem angry.
i'm sad and angry and that's my story.
xemnas: .... no comment.
whatever man.

"It's the song of destruction a requiem of the end" jr in xenosaga III

05 Dec 2009, 1:38 am

When I was little, I had friends close to my age. We played with Barbies, rode bikes, swung on my swing set, played video games, played dress up, played with my Fashion Magic set, played board games. But then their interest changed and they quit coming over. My friend who was a year and a half older than me outgrew me when I was nine. My mom told me she was getting too old for me. I had difficulty finding new friends my age so I went towards the little kids. At school, I started to get left behind at age 10 because they lost interest in playground equipment. They were in such a rush to grow up and they wanted to chit chat which I found boring and difficult.

Even my own brothers caught up to me and passed my social developmental level. Then we were no longer playing together. They caught up to me maybe when I was 12 or 13 and then passed me when I was about 16. They got girl friends before I got a boyfriend. They were doing more social things like having friends over more often and going out often and of course they did those typical teen things, parties, ugh. I just stayed home doing my own thing and I never had a party and was happy without them so I don't understand why lot of teens need them. I sure won't let my child have them and if he or she does, they need to be quiet, no messes and no loud noise and stay out of my personal space and keep things picked up. My house my rules. Now I never see them or talk to them.

So I did get left behind starting at age ten because that was when kids started to get difficult to be with. Then by age 12 I had none. But when I was 13 and 14 I had a friend in Montana who always came to my house with her little brother who was friends with my brothers. She was a year and a half younger than me and was also an outcast. I did have a friend in summer on 1998 who had Down's syndrome and she was nine months older than me. Mom and her mom hooked us up. I have always been an outcast. I was just lucky kids came to me to play and be my friend.


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05 Dec 2009, 2:03 am

I always seemed to "outgrow" my friends but they weren't very nice. Every time I "outgrow" a friend it seems to be because I realize they aren't very nice to me. I think I am more of a punching bag than a friend. My boyfriend is my best friend because he is the only one who is truly kind to me..... but as it turns out, I think he is my punching bag. I am getting better though because of WP, I think. I don't take him for granted anymore, because I realize now how difficult I am for him to be with... or so I think. He thinks I'm not that bad... but he has been with some b*tches himself..... Funny how it works out. :?

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05 Dec 2009, 2:28 am

I hear you about cats, I am a cat person,
die hard never give in cat person,
cats are in fact, a sacred being to me
and I often bow to my King, His Royal
Feline Majesty Emperor Momo Leopold

For me to do anything mean including the
unthinkable to any cat would be a serious offence
against The Crown Of Tiggerville and
I would deserve nothing but a death

I cannot stand shows like Tom and Jerry
because of the anti cat themes in them,
same with Twitty and Sylvester, I think
Sylvester should just kick the krap
out of Twitty and smash him and burn him
along with Spike he should beat the holy hell
out of Spike, that awful ugly evil bulldog
or pitbull whatever he is.

I wish more producers would cast the
Cat in the correct manner where he wins
like he should always, as in Garfield or
Heathcliff or Felix the Cat (a very old cartoon).

One of these days I am going to snap and
make a movie where the Cat always wins
and the dog gets the poop kicked out of him
for once.

Jetfox wrote:
now, i like cats he likes dogs, he's not much for hotwheels while i collect them, he likes rock and metal i like varied music, i still like game characters and obsess over them, i still would much rather be in a desert i have no idea about him, it's like i barely know him anymore, i can't talk to him like i used to, i've tried being interested in his passtimes but i couldn't care less about sports and stuff, i hate his dog i actually cried because my family welcomed it into the house after my cat was attacked by a dog.

needless to say i was the only one who got upset about that, i hate the neighbors now with a burning passion.

i took pics of my cat's recovery and still have them as a reminder of my growing hatred for dogs.

sorry this turned into a sorta half rant.

A Boy And His Cat

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05 Dec 2009, 2:34 am

Dang sorry I got into a rant as well, I
have often felt left behind, I still like
to play and do all the things I did when
I was little.

I don't see why I should have to "change"
and stop doing the things that I have always
done, there is no law against it, I still wear
my Pooh and Tigger overalls, altho now I
have to get them specially made, nobody
sells happy clothes in my size I hate it,
I have to spend $200 USD in clothing
per year on a singel outfitm, but its worth
it to me and nobody else will make happy
clothes for me, I know, market and all that
rubbish but good god one would think that
niche markets would make money as well.

If I had ability I would open a happy clothes
shop making happy clothes for anyone who
wanted to buy them up, I'd try to be reasonable
with pricing as well, and hopefully if my company
got big enough I'd make clothing for any taste,
but happy would be my main thing.

I like watching all the happy tv shows and
i hate the news and sports on telly I just
leave my telly on Boomerang or Nick (eldoeon)
or Disney Channel or PBS for Sesame Street.

I like Hotwheels some, and also Care Bears
but I mostly have toy cats and lions all over
my room and I am going to paint Tiggers and
Pooh things all over my room when I get good
enough at painting.

A Boy And His Cat

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05 Dec 2009, 12:38 pm

I feel as though I've been left behind, but in a positive way. I loved those toy diecast Routemaster buses as a kid. I collect them, now. My little sister loved playing with Barbie dolls. She doesn't collect them. I've been listening to the rock bands of the British Invasion era since I was 12, in particular The Kinks and The Beatles. My sister started listening to Top 40 at that age. To this day, I feel comfortable wearing the 60s inspired unisex clothing that I've always worn. My sister likes to wear girly clothes that have a more fitted look and feel. I don't feel that there's anything wrong with that, at all. My sister and I are two completly different types of women. It doesn't bother me.

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05 Dec 2009, 12:47 pm

Hey, I have to speak up for dogs here. There are really no bad dogs. There are bad owners who ruin their dogs. Don't get mad at the dog. A dog follows what his owner teaches him, whether that is being polite and gentle, or whether it is being frightened, vicious, and hostile. Some owners do not train their dogs, or train them exactly the wrong way. When their dogs attack something, they are to blame, not the dog. A dog with a strong prey drive needs to be kept on a leash or in a house or yard, and it is the owner's fault when that dog gets out and hurts a child or a cat. Dogs have their brains made in such a way that they will seek out a pack and a leader (or try to lead the pack themselves), and will base their entire world around that. A dog is only as good as his owner... though there are some dogs with gentle natures who will, at worst, become fearful and cowering creatures if mistreated, rather than attacking things.

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05 Dec 2009, 2:22 pm

i think the owner of the dog trained him as a hunting dog, i kinda still haven't recovered from that accident though. but know it was the owners fualt i don't think he keep the dog leashed at all.

but i've always had a great fear of dogs also since i was little, and just guess i can't handle it to well.

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05 Dec 2009, 2:47 pm

I love cats. I don't have one now, because my roommate is allergic to them. If I am ever living alone, tho... :)

Cats may be incredible animals, but they are at a distinct disadvantage when out in our modern world. Dogs aren't the only problem, cars are an even bigger one. I saw something about average lifespan of both indoor and outdoor cats, and I think it said that indoor cats live (on average) about 3 times longer than outdoor cats.

I also like squirrels and birds, and feed them. My neighbor's cat (which I love) keeps trying to catch them, especially the birds. It's not fair to the local wildlife to allow these magnificent creatures to hunt them.

For these reasons, plus the fact that I enjoy the company of my cat (when I have one), I think cats should be kept indoors. (ditto for dogs, unless they are in a securely fenced area)

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