Zulaxia wrote:
Dark_Red_Beloved wrote:
Still... it seems a little odd that with as many times as vaccines have been tested it keeps coming back as "failed to find evidence of".
Personally I have a feeling their brief never covers looking into people already susceptible to being on the spectrum and any effects the vaccine has upon them. The only two people in our house who don't have an ASD are the two children born after our son who regressed the day after his MMR jab and we said 'never again'. It's not proof, it's bound to seem like coincidence, but we refuse to take that chance.
You could be right. That could very well be the case. They may have never looked into people already susceptible to being on the spectrum. I should look into that...
In any event, my bias on the subject of vaccines is this: I'm an autistic adult diagnosed when awareness of autism was just beginning to trickle down from the academia to general public.Prior to this time teachers and other authority figures attributed my behavior to unintelligence and flat-out defiance. Since I wasn't visibly disabled, many of the people I came in contact with(adults and peers alike) took the bootstraps route: suck it up. Now...
Now when I turn on the news, I see much more awareness of autism's existence than when I was a child. However, I see the fear in people's eyes on the news at the mention of autism. I see authority making the same mistakes they did with me because they
rigidly hold to the way they've always done things instead moving forward with new knowledge. I see people who didn't know know of autistic children, ignorant of autistic adults now--
I may as well be as mythical as the unicorn for all that some people know!It is incredibly frustrating!
But when last comes to last it comes down to this: The well meaning curious looks I see from people are just that;Well meaning but merely curious.It's a start but needs to travel further. Knowing of some
thing is quite different than knowing some
Things must change in how we treat people with disabilities no matter what one thinks of vaccines.