Playing with my hair is definitely one of my "stims".
It didn't used to worry me when I was young because a lot of girls seemed to play with their hair; it didn't look exactly calm and collected, and I almost always found it irritating when others did it, but it seemed to be "socially acceptable". I used to fiddle with it in a number of ways, pushing fingers through it, lifting up the back, twisting and twirling front and side sections, pushing the front off my face, etc, in a repeated rhythmical way.
But in the last ten years or so it has come to seem out of place, and now irritates me too, so I am glad to have found a solution to it; wearing caps and hoods with almost everything. They stop the activity "dead"!
And I fiddle with other things instead!
Hair has always been a sort of "significant" zone of expression for me though. With only a few exceptions I have cut my own hair since I took over from my mother in my early teens. And it has very often taken the brunt of depression, mania, anxiety, etc, ( shaving it off during mania, "pruning it rigorously/cruelly" in depression, bleaching/dying it when feeling particularly optimistic/excited, and most of all cutting nervously away at it, to "get it absolutely right" several times a week when I have been anxious ). My hair tends to get longer only when I have been feeling calm for several months on end.
Last edited by ouinon on 18 Dec 2009, 3:57 am, edited 1 time in total.